
Our Spirit Assistants


(Re-blogged from 2012)

AngelicView: I have been looking for this particular NDE to share with you. I remembered reading it a long time ago, and didn’t remember where to find it. Well, today’s the day my friends. This is very special!
It’s not what happened during Linda Stewart’s NDE that was so unusual – it’s what happened after it. Here’s the story from after her NDE:

A curious manifestation after my near-death experience was that I began seeing a white glow and glint of lights around people and objects. Because I had had so many physical anomalies during my illness, I assumed the “lights” were another, optical side effect of the illness. I was later shown that the lights were far more than that.

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Trinfinity Academy is Now Free!



AngelicView: Bentinho Massaro was true to his word when he told us that he was going to make Trinfinity Academy, the course set for Enlightenment and Empowerment which was developed by Bentinho and his wonderful team, FREE for all. (Yes, this used to be a paid member only course.)

Apparently, they will be revamping the website to make a new design that will reflect this change. But the Academy can now be accessed for free. So there is no need to create an account or sign in. Just start clicking and go!

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Dr. Alan Hugenot: Science of the Afterlife

AngelicView: Dr. Eben Alexander isn’t the only Doc who has experienced an NDE. Here we have Physicist Dr. Alan Hugenot being interviewed about his Afterlife Experience and what he has taken from it – much of it from a science perspective.

He had a part in “Beyond Our Sight“, but I was glad to see a full interview of just him.

Alan Hugenot was 21 years old in 1970, when he had a near-fatal motorcycle accident. He had a serious head injury, and was unconscious for 8 hours. 

“I went directly into the presence of a brilliant white Light, which radiated a feeling of warmth and unconditional love.  It was a consciousness without form. It was like being Home – I had known this Light Being for thousands of years.  This was the best place I’ve ever been. There was no pain, no anguish, no worries. It was more real than life here – this life is the illusion.” 

The Light told him that as a physics student, Alan was too concerned abouthow things work. “The purpose of life is to understand why, not just how.  Figure it out with your heart, not just your mind.”

Then the Light told Alan he had to return. He was not finished with what he had to do on earth. Alan did not want to come back, but had no choice. “There are things we came here to do. We can’t stay there until we’re finished with what we have to do here.”

Alan says he was profoundly influenced by his NDE, becoming less competitive and materialistic. He went on to earn a Doctorate of Science in Mechanical Engineering, and became a nationally recognized expert in applied physics & engineering science. 

Alan has spent over 40 years collating research onconsciousness  survival and  the afterlife, including NDE’s, reincarnation, past life regression therapy, after-death communications and the supporting theories of quantum mechanics. His research is collected in his new book, The Death Experience: What It Is Like When You Diewhich “provides the lay reader with the underlying principles of physics, postulating a scientific basis for, and location of, the afterlife.”

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Reincarnation, The “Interlife”, Universal Consciousness, and The Holographic Soul

From New Dawn Magazine

Written by Ian Lawton

Modern studies repeatedly suggest that a significant proportion of people in the Western world now believe in reincarnation.


Although this phenomenon can be traced back to various esoteric movements that flourished from the second half of the 19th century, it gained significant ground with the explosion of popular interest in Eastern spiritual approaches in the 60s. And it was reinforced by a proliferation of therapists offering to regress people into their past lives.

Yet now the tide seems to be turning again.

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Rumi: Only That Breath


Only That Breath

Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu
Buddhist, sufi, or zen. Not any religion

or cultural system. I am not from the East
or the West, not out of the ocean or up

from the ground, not natural or ethereal, not
composed of elements at all. I do not exist,

am not an entity in this world or the next,
did not descend from Adam or Eve or any

origin story. My place is placeless, a trace
of the traceless. Neither body or soul.

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Absolute Faith in the Harmony of Creation

By Albert Einstein

Guest Writer for AngelicView 🙂

“School failed me, and I failed the school. It bored me. The teachers behaved like Feldwebel (sergeants). I wanted to learn what I wanted to know, but they wanted me to learn for the exam. What I hated most was the competitive system there, and especially sports. Because of this, I wasn’t worth anything, and several times they suggested I leave.

This was a Catholic School in Munich. I felt that my thirst for knowledge was being strangled by my teachers; grades were their only measurement. How can a teacher understand youth with such a system?

From the age of twelve I began to suspect authority and distrust teachers. I learned mostly at home, first from my uncle and then from a student who came to eat with us once a week. He would give me books on physics and astronomy.

The more I read, the more puzzled I was by the order of the universe and the disorder of the human mind, by the scientists who didn’t agree on the how, the when, or the why of creation.

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It Seemed So Easy on the Other Side of the Veil


Thanks to my friend, Gregg Prescott, of in5d 🙂

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

Did you ever wonder why you agreed to incarnate at this point in time and space?  Are you fully aware of why you received so many challenges in this lifetime?

Unconditional Love

When you were on the other side of the veil, there was only love.  You were reunited with your soul groups and soul family while inundating yourself and others with unconditional love.

Over the course of our perceived view of time, you eventually wanted to experience duality and polarity because you knew it would help your spiritual progression.

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Go Beyond the Veil with Diane Goble

AngelicView: Diane was rafting with a group of people when they hit a particularly dangerous rapids and she was thrown from the raft. A man reached down from the raft and grabbed onto her arm but she was still caught between a rock face, some waterfalls, and the raft. That begun her NDE (Near Death Experience).

I will paste an excerpt from her story below, but you should know that she has a lot more information on her website including eBooks and a blog you might enjoy. One thing in particular that my readers might appreciate is her extensive work in putting together reference links on a variety of topics that can be found all across the internet. I know I bookmarked a few of those links.

Thanks, Diane, for sharing your story with the world. Let’s peek beyond the veil…

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Nathan Wheeler: Truth Me Free

** Part 9b (Wait… he calls it #9b – Part 1)

*** Before you get started on this series, you should know that Nathan stopped making videos for it just short of actually describing his NDE.  It’s a very interesting story, and very entertaining. But I (AngelicView) don’t believe it to be real. 

 AngelicView: I just have to say that I do not identify with the Christian Religion. Since this is my blog, it might be surprising that I am posting this series. Well, the 1st 7 or 8 videos weren’t about Christianity, they were just about his fantastic experiences. It turned into something about religion later. I am continuing to post his series here because I started it and I know that many of you are enjoying it.



If you have some extra time on your hands, I think Nathan Wheeler’s story may be one that you’ll really enjoy. There are about an average of 10,000 of us following along in his series “My NDE Testimonial”. At the time of this post, he is currently up to Part 7c. It’s kind of a long story how Part 7 got split up into three parts, but the next one will be Part 8. To those of us that are following along with his testimonial, I think we are all so very fond of him and think of him as our friend. He has a heart-warming personality, he’s witty and smart, and very humerous to boot!

Now, before you go thinking that all these videos are all about his NDE – no. What we’re really experiencing through his excellent story-telling skills is his life story. And let me tell you, it’s all very riveting! I don’t want to give away too much with this introduction because he tells it the best. But just briefly, Nathan says he has been psychic to a degree since childhood. He tells us of his adventures throughout his life and leading up to his NDE.

Nathan’s has a heart condition (which we call a “dysrhythmia”) where his heart beat is very irregular, and it’s irregular to the point where it stops at times. He had dizziness and fainting spells from it and it took a couple of years before he was finally diagnosed and had a pacemaker implanted. The pacemaker will now “pace” his heart for him if it stops for a set length of time. But just before that is when his heart stopped for long enough for him to leave his body and experience heaven.

Nathan is a very busy man with a full-time job and he is very hard on himself to get these videos “just right” before he releases the next one. He says the Angel in his NDE encouraged him to tell his story and this is the format he chose to do it with. If you leave a question for him on his You Tube channel or on his Facebook page, you can be pretty sure he’ll answer you. And while we do try not to bug him about it – we all can’t wait for the next video to come out! 😉

You may want to bookmark this page and I will post the next video in the series as they come out, or you can go directly to his You Tube Channel or follow him on Facebook.

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The Secret to Personal Evolution

Screenshot 2014-11-08 at 3.26.12 AM

By Deepak Chopra, M.D.

You alone are the explorer of your inner world. Of all the ways to unfold your inner potential, by far the most powerful is to use the flow of evolution.  Evolution isn’t just a theory but a force that has been working in every cell of your body since you were born. As a child, you experienced evolution as a process of growth that you didn’t have to choose – your body was programmed to evolve from the infant state.

The main focus of your life may have been earning a living, raising a family, and exploring the world “out there.” Even so, now you can become skilled at building the self you actually want by choosing to evolve. The force of evolution is working for you if you can do what came naturally as a child.

As an adult, however, evolution is a choice. The key is simple. There is only one thing you need to do to align with the force of evolution: Participate in your own consciousness. Pay attention to being alert and aware. As you do, you will develop new skills in awareness that will affect every choice you make in life. The most evolved choice is the one that benefits you the most in body, mind, and spirit. You can’t decide how to make such ideal choices using only your intellect. Only awareness knows what is good for awareness.

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We Were Confidently Sent to This Planet to Learn One Thing – Love!


“Hope Girl” by Akiane Kramarik

AngelicView: I have posted Christian Andreason’s NDE here before (it was called “Love is the WAY”), but I have reviewed the original post and I see that there has been more information and teachings added to it since I posted it a couple of years ago. There is no need to seek it out, because I’m going to post the information for you nearly in it’s entirety. And you’re going to Love It! ❤

Christian is actually a musician, and he had his NDE while in the dentist’s office. Before his routine surgical dental procedure, he had had a back injury. For that injury he had been prescribed pain killers and probably muscle relaxers, as well. He did not let the dentist know that he had taken all these medications, so the anesthesia enhanced the side-effects from the medications, which bottomed-out his blood pressure and stopped his breathing. The dentist, not knowing that Christian had taken that type of medication before-hand, didn’t know what was causing the breathing impairment – for which he could have given medications to counter-act the effects.

What resulted was a profound NDE and many changed lives from the teachings of one Christian Andreason.


During a brief amount of time, my spirit traveled through what I know and now call, “the Heavenly Realm.” During the experience, all time stopped … and two minutes of Earth time turned into what seemed to be days, weeks and even months. I saw an uncountable amount of wonderful places that were not of this world and many spiritual truths were Lovingly and generously revealed to me with mind-bending answers.

Almost the whole time I was guided mostly by a being that appeared in the form of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Following us were three other guides who all appeared as men. All were robed with a beautiful glistening white, diamond-like material. I could also distinguish that they had Light coming from underneath their garments. I knew that this Light was their true bodies. The moment they came into my awareness, I recognized these beings as having been some of my closest friends that have been with me for all time. They were very kind to me and very caring about my feelings.

There are no secrets in Heaven, so information that might have been considered embarrassing was treated with tremendous sensitivity. And even in moments where I might have cried knowing that someone knew my deepest darkest secrets, wonderful warm laughter was often exchanged between us instead. No matter any unpleasantness they may have known about me, I knew that I was eternally and unconditionally Loved! For many years, after my experience, I have continued to stay in contact with these dear ones through dreams and meditations. During my experience it was revealed to me that they had made many appearances to me during my life, particularly during difficult times in my childhood and adolescence, only I was not consciously aware of them or their presence at the time.

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Bentinho Massaro: Law of Attraction vs Non-Duality


AngelicView: Let me tell you, I love this guy! Well, maybe not in the way you think 😉

I love his mind and his heart – his teachings. I have more on this site by Bentinho Massaro. I’ll see if I can dig them up for you in case you are interested. But first – just a few explanations about what you are about to hear in this approximately 15 minute video.


Law of Attraction” means what you focus on in life comes to you – you create your own reality by envisioning what you want, matching the vibration of that, and then letting the Universe bring it to you.

Non-Duality” is the concept that there is no such thing as “good” or “bad” – all just “is”.

Given these two different concepts, it seems that they can contradict each other. But Bentinho explains to us that they really do not. Both can exist in harmony with each other.

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10 Evolutionary Signs that Science and Spirit are Converging

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

“It is necessary to perceive truth with the heart, not just the mind.” Jonathon Miller-Weisberger

Long before science surfaced as a force of nature within the minds of human beings, spirituality and superstition reigned. The evolution of the human species and the human mind is a fascinating story and at our present moment in time we are gifted to be able to bear witness to the communion of science and spirituality, which enables us to for the first time in our collective history to dispel both the superstitions of humankind and the hubris of the material sciences.

At the root of the timeless human quest for a deep understanding of our existence is the drive to find the source of consciousness, that precious gift of the cosmos that animates our bodies and provides a foundation for the intellect. For spiritual people who’ve committed themselves to an esoteric and experiential understanding of our mental universe, it is observed that human consciousness is a vast and endless sea, multi-layered and multi-colored with infinite possibilities. For the scientifically oriented minds among us, this explanation does not hold water as it is too aloof and immeasurable, defying the demand for reproducible data, as consciousness and spirit have as of yet evaded measure by our ingenious devices and analytical technologies.

God Is Everyone and Works Through Us All

AngelicView: This man was wondering about the meaning of life, researching on the internet for some answers and he’s getting to the point of “brain overload” where things are just not really “computing” anymore, when he seems to start out having a kundalini experience, and transcends into a full-blown OBE (Out of Body Experience) where he is given the answers he is seeking. (Originally submitted in Swedish and translated to English.)

I had for a couple of months begun to seek God and the meaning of life. I researched daily, several hours, on the internet about everything from evolution to theories of creation.

At the point of time when I had my experience I had become more and more convinced that an intelligence laid behind everything that exists in the universe. I was, however, afraid of God, judgment, punishment and eternal doom after death, probably because I under my entire childhood had a father who was a member of Jehovah´s Witnesses who have minted my view on God and religion.

This was a late afternoon in spring, around Mar/April year 2010 and I was located at my middle brother´s house to be a babysitter for his three year old son, as my brother was at a friend’s house. I sat at the computer searching on Google about Christianity and particularly Jesus, as I had been given a speck of hope that I would not be doomed because I didn’t want to be a Jehovah´s Witness. This was because a friend of mine at the Pentecostal church had explained to me that Jesus had already taken the punishment for my past and future sins. I thought this sounded fantastic, but too good to be true. Under my entire uprising I had been given a picture of a harsh and demanding God through my father.

I was confused and tired of all the searching and felt genuinely up given because it felt difficult for me to believe in a forgiving God. So I prayed a desperate prayer there at my brother’s house as his child had fallen asleep. I prayed for forgiveness and wisdom. I wanted to know who God really was. Nothing happened and I once again sat down in front of the computer and looked trough some Christian websites and forums, my head was completely empty like a zombie because of all my brooding.

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Reclaim Your Divine Self, Worth, and Purpose with Paul Selig


AngelicView: Bob Olson with Afterlife TV interviews Paul Selig, a Channeler. He claims that he channels his Spirit Guides, and has written some of these channelings in a series of three books. The first book that was discussed in this video, Paul says took him – through the work of his channeling – two weeks to write.

Beware! My opinions below ↓

So, my opinion on channeling has changed over time. Back in about 2009 I followed a couple of channelers “religiously”. After awhile, I decided I did not like channelings anymore since I was unable to discern who the channeling (words) were coming from. Now I’m back on the fence with the subject.

Here’s the thing – for me, (for example) when I have a problem in my life I can sit down in a quiet, dark room and clear my mind and usually come up with a really great answer to my problem or question. I think that answer comes from my Higher Self or perhaps my Spirit Guides. What am I doing in this situation? Channeling.

I love Edgar Cayce, right? I really have respect for everything he had to say. While some might say he was having NDE’s, he was not having NDE’s in the sense that we understand them today because his body was still alive and only appeared to be sleeping or in a trance state. Because he felt that his consciousness went somewhere – he saw a bright light and traveled through a tunnel – today we would call the experience “NDE-Like” or an “STE” (Spiritually Transformative Event). He was bringing back information in the form of words and could answer questions and make prophecies. What was he doing? Channeling.

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Marijuana and Spirituality (Does Pot/Weed/Cannabis Enhance Spirituality?)

By Teal

Pot, otherwise known as cannabis or marijuana, is considered a spiritual medicine and has been used asTealScott such since 2000 BC because it is a psychoactive drug. Pot is considered psychoactive because it can alter one’s state of consciousness. Altering one’s consciousness helps them to break free of illusion and the restriction of limited perception.

The number one benefit of cannabis is that it helps people to release resistance. By affecting the brain like it does, it inhibits the brain from focusing on and translating the resistant, stressful thoughts that cause a negative emotional response within the body. This is why it is so effective at reducing stress. And this is also why it is so effective for the use of pain management. Pain is a symptom of resistance. By causing a person to release resistance and “flow downstream with life” a person is free to be who they really are. More of their true essence is present in the absence of resistance and this is why people often undergo such intense spiritual experiences while under the influence of cannabis. But this is also why it is used recreationally.

If a person tries to escape their resistance by using a tool like cannabis, they have learned nothing but to be dependent on the tool. They may have increased their awareness of what is beyond this dimension, but they have not learned anything about how to access states of consciousness beyond the 3-D consciousness on their own, without the use of an external substance/tool. In essence, they have become powerlessly dependent.

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How Do We Know that NDE’s are Real?

By AngelicView

Well, the truth is that everyone has to make that decision for themselves. Below I will give you some fantastic evidence toward the reality of the NDE (Near Death Experience), but I won’t try very hard to convince anyone that they are real. For me, they are!

One reason why people may press against the reality of the NDE might be because of religious-ness – either through a world religion (examples: Christianity or Muslim), or the religion of no-religion (examples: Atheists or Science-Programming) because the individual does have to shift their perspective in the way they think. If I come across a person with hard-core beliefs in either religion or no-religion, then I might tell them about NDE’s briefly, but I’m not going to push my beliefs on someone else just like I wouldn’t want their beliefs pushed upon me.

So here are some reasons why I believe NDE’s are real:

Thousands of Accounts

If you look across the internet and in your local library, you will find literally thousands of accounts of people who are telling us that they’ve had an NDE. One of the sites I use a lot in my research is NDERF (Near Death Experience Research Foundation). I have read every single NDE on that site. Some are quite short stories and some are more lengthy. But for each person, it was a life-changing experience. Nearly all NDE’s have changed the life of the experiencer. It is estimated that the total amount of experiencers in the world could be in the millions, as many go unreported. There are also Facebook pages now that contain NDE stories that cannot be found on research sites. In addition, IANDS (The International Association for Near-Death Studies) has many accounts listed on their site.

Nothing to Gain

On occasion people will write a book about their experience. One or two stories have been made into movies. But for the vast majority of these people, they have nothing to gain by telling us their story. In the case of NDERF, stories usually get posted and then buried under piles and piles of other stories and probably rarely looked at again. And yet the stories just keep on coming in. Most NDE’rs insist that they feel like they need to tell their story – even that they were sent back in order to tell their story. And so what do most people think to do (besides post it on a website)? They write a book about it. I really don’t think that most people would do that with the thought in mind that they are going to get rich off of this.

Similarity of Stories

It’s amazing that I never tire of reading NDE’s because the stories are often so similar to each other. The ones I post here are always either extra-ordinary or unique in some way. In addition to the similarity of the stories, you have the fact that the experience details – while the same compared to each other – are different from any religious and non-religious teachings we have here on Earth.

Scientific Evidence

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Do Atheists Really go to Hell?


By AngelicView

Hell no! 😀

But let’s back up a little bit. First of all, my information comes from my research of NDE’s (Near Death Experiences). And according to NDE research, a place called “Hell” doesn’t really exist. (See “Does Hell Really Exist?“)

Here are some examples of beautiful, profound, and spiritually intense NDE’s on AngelicView in which the experiencer was an atheist:

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A Collection of Links for You


By AngelicView

Hello my friends! How are you all doing? I’ve been “up” and “down” and “all around”! The day before yesterday I felt great and came home from work energized and then slept like a log. Then yesterday I was so tired all day long that I dragged through my day at work with tons of caffeine on-board.

Over the summer and now into fall, I’ve been working a lot, sick at times, and trying to get in great times with my daughter before she grows up!

When I find a great article or website, I’ll “Bookmark” it so that I can make a post about it later. Well, my “Bookmarks” on my computer are beginning to dig a hole to China. In trying to simplify my life, I have decided to give out these links to you all so that you can look through them and decide what you’d like to read more about and what you’d like to discard. Then I can start over with a clean-er slate with my Bookmarks. In essence, I’m transferring my “mess” over to you! 😉

Each link will open in a new window.

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Teal: Why are Spiritual Teachers so Contradictory?

If you have spent any time exploring the world of spirituality or self-help, you have most likely discovered that spiritual teachings and spiritual teachers themselves can be frustrating because they present such contradictory teachings.
Spiritual teachings are contradictory because spiritual teachings must take into account a multi dimensional universe. The rules change on each dimension. What is true for one dimension is not necessarily true for the next.
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The Consciousness Revolution


By Graham Hancock

Pictures added by AngelicView

Here’s the full text of the article Russell Brand kindly invited me to contribute to last week’s issue of the New Statesman. The article, entitled The War on Consciousness, had to be shortened to fit the space available in the magazine, but I reproduce the complete unedited text here.

Consciousness is one of the great mysteries of science – perhaps the greatest mystery. We all know we have it, when we think, when we dream, when we savour tastes and aromas, when we hear a great symphony, when we fall in love, and it is surely the most intimate, the most sapient, the most personal part of ourselves. Yet no one can really claim to have understood and explained it completely. There’s no doubt it’s associated with the brain in some way but the nature of that association is far from clear. In particular how do these three pounds of material stuff inside our skulls allow us to have experiences?

Professor David Chalmers of the Australian National University has dubbed this the “hard problem” of consciousness; but many scientists, particularly those (still in the majority) who are philosophically inclined to believe that all phenomena can be reduced to material interactions, deny that any problem exists. To them it seems self-evident that physical processes within the stuff of the brain produce consciousness rather in the way that a generator produces electricity – i.e. consciousness is an “epiphenomenon” of brain activity. And they see it as equally obvious that there cannot be such things as conscious survival of death or out-of-body experiences since both consciousness and experience are confined to the brain and must die when the brain dies.

Yet other scientists with equally impressive credentials are not so sure and are increasingly willing to consider a very different analogy – namely that the relationship of consciousness to the brain may be less like the relationship of the generator to the electricity it produces and more like the relationship of the TV signal to the TV set. In that case when the TV set is destroyed – dead – the signal still continues. Nothing in the present state of knowledge of neuroscience rules this revolutionary possibility out. True, if you damage certain areas of the brain certain areas of consciousness are compromised, but this does not prove that those areas of the brain generate the relevant areas of consciousness. If you were to damage certain areas of your TV set the picture would deteriorate or vanish but the TV signal would remain intact.

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Does Our Soul Plan Life’s Challenges Before Birth?


AngelicView: Um – yes! Although I have written articles on this subject, I highly recommend this video anyway if you are interested in the subject. Robert Schwartz is the Author of “Your Soul’s Plan”, a very popular book (although I have not yet read this one, I have heard of it over and over). In this interview with Bob Olson, Robert has gone into much more detail that I have in my articles. Among other things, they discuss:

  1. Why do bad accidents happen (like, when someone becomes a paraplegic, for example)?
  2. Were our pets planned?
  3. What about Free Will and the Law of Attraction?
  4. Could I have prevented my loved one’s death?
  5. Why do some people die young?

I have watched the first video all the way through and completely agreed with everything he said, based on my own studies. I have included the second video of another interview with the same man that expands on the first.

Does our Soul Plan our Life’s Challenges Before Birth?

Video Description: In this interview, I talk with Robert Schwartz, author of Your Soul’s Plan, about how our souls plan our challenges in life on purpose. If you’ve ever wondered why bad things happen to good people, Robert Schwartz shares with us his conclusions about that topic based on years of research. This video conversation offers hope and understanding about the challenges we meet in life, and it might even leave you with a sense of inner peace and acceptance in the face of your challenges — or at least help you believe there is meaning to your suffering and that you’re not merely a victim of unlucky circumstances. I’m excited to present this conversation to you, so I hope you won’t miss it.” ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV

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Why the Creator is Benevolent

By Stephen Treehorn

Anyone venturing on to sites such as this would eventually stumble across the concept that our experience works on many different levels and in mysterious ways. One such level is that of the hologram. In his book, ‘The Holographic Universe’, Michael Talbot explains:

‘There is evidence to suggest that our world and everything in it – from snowflakes to maple trees to falling stars and spinning electrons – are only ghostly images, projections from a level of reality literally beyond both space and time.’

Space and time is written in the fabric of the Universe, in the dark matter before it slows down to become visible light. All information is stored and as this dark matter slows, photons come into play from our sun and anything else that emits light. Everything that has or will happen is written in dark matter, very much like a sophisticated virtual reality game. And our concept of software requires a writer, a programmer, a clever geek staying up all night playing with codes to create the most impressive projection possible. In a spiritual context we have come to know that being as Architect, God, Infinite Spirit, Maker or Creator.

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Gregg Braden: Oneness

***Updated – This series is finally complete! If you haven’t seen it yet – you’re missing out 😉 ***

AngelicView: This beautiful series is one that I think will please our scientists and our spiritualist alike. The series is composed of ten very short videos. They are currently up to posting of Part 8. When they finish the series, I’ll add the additional videos to the bottom of this post and stick it to the top of the site. Enjoy 🙂

“Perhaps one of the most powerful keys to determining our experience of the months ahead comes from a shift in thinking that invites us beyond asking, “What can I get from the world that exists,” to asking, “What can I offer to the world that is awakening?” The way we answer this question as individuals becomes our collective answer to what comes next.” ~Gregg Braden

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Consciousness & Dimensions: Science Begins it’s Dance with Spirituality


Consciousness & Dimensions

Neuropsychiatrist Dr. Vernon Neppe and physicist Dr. Edward Close discussed their work integrating science and consciousness studies, and their most recent breakthrough, positing that we live in a 9-dimensional spinning reality. While human experience is restricted to the first four dimensions, the additional hidden dimensions could provide keys to life as we know it, and explain some of the mysteries of science, they contended.

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Travelling Through Life and Death

AngelicView: This is one riveting account – not to be missed! Thanks to Dr. Bell for sharing his experience.

“The secret of the human self-healing power is hidden deeply in our subconscious. It is not a mysterious magic or supernatural power, but indeed an innate ability essential and fundamental for human survival. We are all inherited with this natural survival power from the moment we are born. It’s equally shared by everybody, regardless of race, gender or religion. No one has a stronger power than the others. This precious self-healing power is actually well-written down in our DNA, keeps renewing and transforming over the past centuries, which sustains the evolution of humanity.” ~Dr. Bell

About Me

Dr. Bell C.F. CHUNG, PhD in Cognitive Psychology from the University of Hong Kong. I encountered a near fatal glider crash in New Zealand in 2004, falling down 200 meters. I had an incredible 11 minutes near death experience when my soul came out of my body and I was given the choice to die or to return to life. Unable to decide, I was restored to life. Yet a nightmare awaited me. The doctor declared that either my right foot was to be amputated or the bones would die from avascular necrosis.

Refusing to fall into the paradoxical disability trap, I integrated the traditional Chinese aesthetics and Indian ayurvedic medicine into modern psychological treatment and discovered the vital key to activate the enormous self-healing power that lies inside us – the subconscious. I healed my physical injury and overcame the haunting depression, reborn and recovered with freedom and wisdom. By now, I am standing on my own feet again and my footsteps have reached nearly 40 countries.

If every man who comes back from death is meant to carry a special mission, then I believe that my most important mission is to share my miracle recovery story, because miracle is not exclusive to me, but equally shared by everyone on this planet. I am merely a selected story teller.

On this note, I’m here to share with you my miracle journey.

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Reality 101 and My Big Toe

AngelicView: This is going to be expanding on a post from the other day, Tom Campbell: Reality 101. When I posted that, I have to admit it was late at night and I was in a hurry – I was tired and wanted to get to bed. Because of that, I didn’t give it the Pomp and Circumstance it deserved. I think this guy is a genius. Well, he is a physicist who has had Out of Body Experiences, and so his theories on the nature of our reality fit in with the measuring stick that I have for our/my reality.

Here is a look at his credentials:

Spontaneous Evolution: New Scientific Realities Are Bringing Spirit Back into Matter

By Dr. Bruce Lipton

My book The Biology of Belief provided insight into the nature of how our consciousness controls both our genetics and our behavior. Although programmed to believe ourselves frail and vulnerable, we are learning instead that the power of healing has always been within us, for not only do our personal beliefs affect our personal lives but our collective beliefs physically manifest our collective reality.

The upheavals that we presently see in our civilization represent a giant force of evolution that’s in motion. When we focus on any one of the current crises alone, we run the unfortunate risk of missing the forest for the individual trees, failing to recognize that all these crises collectively represent the evolution of community, not of the individual. What we’re evolving now is a super organism called humanity and a reality in which all of us know ourselves to be cells in the body of one living organism, the planet.

The eminent British historian Arnold Toynbee talked about civilizations as having life cycles. In an individual life cycle, something begins, develops, matures, and declines. Toynbee said that a newly forming civilization is like a child who is experiencing and trying new things. This would be a civilization’s period of early development. Next, a civilization begins to adopt the beliefs that work for it, and once it holds on to those beliefs, it enters a period of rigidity. This is akin to the child doing all the experimental stuff but then coming up against the wall of a parent saying “This is the way it is” and internalizing that message.

But there’s a problem with this rigidity: The universe is continuously and dynamically changing. So trying to hold on to a belief leads to challenges that are the result of not being flexible enough to bend with the currents of change. What is rigid begins to decline.

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Tom Campbell: Reality 101

“We are (our consciousness is) a part of a real, evolving, consciousness system. Evolution is an open ended process with no end — thus our individual evolution is the same. What sort of external environment the LCS may or may not be interactive with is theoretically beyond our view. So, we have neither a certain nor complete picture of the external variables and issues that may potentially directly effect the LCS . Sometimes, the only alternative is to live gracefully with uncertainty.” Tom Campbell


Thomas Campbell, physicist, Consciousness expert, and author of My Big TOE, presented a workshop entitled “Reality 101” at the University of Calgary, September 23,24,25, 2011, hosted by Beth Haley.

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Living in a Hologram: Our Holographic Reality

AngelicView: This is a great article on the theory that we live in a holographic reality. Thanks to Laron at Transients for sharing this thought-provoking article. 🙂

“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.” – Chief Seattle

We grow up thinking and believing that the world and reality in which we exist in is something tangible and physicalholographic reality and is just as is perceived. However, not only does this thought-process become disillusioned with various difficult-to-explain phenomena, but perceptions becomes realized as completely subjective that do not reflect an objective reality, if such a reality even exists. With the significant advances in the knowledge and information attained by the human race in its most recent history, radical shifts in how reality is perceived are being formulated.

Where the universe was once seen as an empty space with bits of matter scattered about is now being seen as a holographic projection stemming from some primary reality unseen to our biological and technological instruments.

The evidence for a holographic reality is becoming quite plentiful; too much to be disregarded. What gives it more credence is that those who have experienced higher states of consciousness and echelons of reality via meditation, astral projection, or entheogens have been proclaiming very holographic-esque musings and aphorisms.

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Consciousness and the Zero Point Field: Are Akashic Records Real?

AngelicView: I love this short article, which brings together theories from quantum science and theories from spirituality (which is really what I’m trying to do here in this blog – I’m not the only one!) This article discusses the theories of Erwin Laszlo, Philosopher of Science (yes, that’s his title). He wrote the book “Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything”. 

Thanks to Paranormal People

“To Be or Not to Be… the Question may be Irrelevant”

A swirling vortex of subatomic particles, influenced by gravity, solar energy and subtle nuclear forces; this is our universe…this is our reality.  Some may find that description to be cogent while others may find cause to question.

I am real, my world is real, and it is made up of real things, with texture and depth and value. Or is it?  The science of physics, coupled with the sciences of evolutionary biology and neurobiology, have given us a grander, closer view of reality, closer than most are aware.  It has shown, with remarkable accuracy and overwhelming consistency, that we and our world are nothing more than a massive collection of particles, spinning and vibrating in different ways, depending on our spatial relationship to the various energies that surround us.

Physics or more specifically, quantum physics is the study of small things, the micro universe, the subatomic universe and beyond.  Its principal endeavour is to find, through scientific experimentation and theoretical mathematics, a way to describe the entire universe –or to find a theory of everything.  The likes of Stephen Hawking, Michio Kaku, Brian Greene and many, many more brilliant theoretical and applied physicists have defined reality to an amazing depth.  They have, collectively, provided answers to some of life’s most vexing questions, and they, along side some of the most brilliant minds of natural science, such as Richard Dawkins, P.Z. Meyers and a host of others are on the brink of finding definitive answers to any question mankind might ever conceive.

Though one question still stands unanswered, a question that has been the focus of philosophy’s greatest orators for millennia…Consciousness.  What is it?  Where does it come from?  Is it intrinsic to all life, or is it unique to higher mammals?

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One Soul, Many Bodies: The Case for Reincarnation

AngelicView: A very well done article, in my opinion, from Waking Times.

Allan Danelek, New DawnWaking Times

What happens to us when we die? It’s a question everyone eventually asks themselves at some point in their life. It transcends racial, social, political, economic and gender lines, making it the one question common to all human beings whether we like it or not.

Yet ever since the first men and woman began pondering their mortality a hundred thousand years ago, the answer has eluded us. What does happen when we die? What becomes of our soul, our mind, our personality – our very essence? For that matter, do we even have such a thing as a soul, or is it all an illusion we have created to give ourselves a sense of permanence and the hope of immortality?

The rationalist answers this query by proclaiming that since we are nothing more than a collection of cells and our brains simply tissue encased within a mantle of bone, nothing can happen to us when we die. The essence, personality, mind – soul – or whatever we wish to call our consciousness, ceases to exist, endowing our time on this planet with no more meaning than that which we choose to give it during our brief sojourn here. This is, of course, the position of the atheist, which is what makes atheism, in my opinion, so easy. It requires nothing because it offers nothing, which strikes me as a fair trade.

To most people, however, this answer is unsatisfactory. It suggests that we are little more than some great cosmic accident and that, consequently, our life has no ultimate purpose, forcing us to contemplate an existence without meaning in a universe that, despite all its beauty and splendour, has no more significance – or ultimate permanence – than a flower that briefly blooms in the spring only to wither and die after a few short days of vibrant life.

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Neil DeGrasse Tyson: Cosmic Perspective

Thanks to Natural History.


Neil deGrasse Tyson explains how embracing cosmic realities can enlighten our view of human life.

Of all the sciences cultivated by mankind, Astronomy is acknowledged to be, and undoubtedly is, the most sublime, the most interesting, and the most useful. For, by knowledge derived from this science, not only the bulk of the Earth is discovered . . . but our very faculties are enlarged with the grandeur of the ideas it conveys, our minds exalted above [their] low contracted prejudices. —James Ferguson, Astronomy Explained Upon Sir Isaac Newton’s Principles, And Made Easy To Those Who Have Not Studied Mathematics (1757)

Long before anyone knew that the universe had a beginning, before we knew that the nearest large galaxy lies two and a half million light-years from Earth, before we knew how stars work or whether atoms exist, James Ferguson’s enthusiastic introduction to his favorite science rang true. Yet his words, apart from their eighteenth-century flourish, could have been written yesterday.

But who gets to think that way? Who gets to celebrate this cosmic view of life? Not the migrant farmworker. Not the sweatshop worker. Certainly not the homeless person rummaging through the trash for food. You need the luxury of time not spent on mere survival. You need to live in a nation whose government values the search to understand humanity’s place in the universe. You need a society in which intellectual pursuit can take you to the frontiers of discovery, and in which news of your discoveries can be routinely disseminated. By those measures, most citizens of industrialized nations do quite well.

Yet the cosmic view comes with a hidden cost. When I travel thousands of miles to spend a few moments in the fast-moving shadow of the Moon during a total solar eclipse, sometimes I lose sight of Earth.

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Sacred Sites – Earth Energy, Ley Lines, and Vortex Energy

Thanks to and

By Shirley MacLaine

Earth Energy

Earth energy. It can’t be seen or tasted and it doesn’t have an odor. But, the effects of Earth energy can be experienced in all of those ways. It isn’t loud, but it can be heard. It can’t be touched, but it can definitely be felt.

Vortex1Our ancestors knew that ley lines, earth grids and vortexes were energy sources and centers that were to be considered holy. They knew that Mother Earth supplied their physical needs, cured their ills and balanced their spirit. Mother Earth had also supplied the invisible forces of Earth energy. They respected the strength of these unseen powers and knew they were a place to heal physical, emotional and spiritual pain. Used as a place of communion with the Creator, our ancestors knew that these energy points uplifted the group or individual consciousness and fortified the soul.

Today, in this fast-paced, technology-oriented, loud 21st Century, science refers to these sacred energy centers as geophysical anomalies. As an anomaly, science has the responsibility of attempting to define and label the physics of the energy centers. This has been attempted all around the globe by measuring magnetic fields and electrical impulses that may or may not be present in the area. More often than not, geophysicists and science in general have not been able to explain why things are the way they are. The scientific community, however, has been able to shed some light on ley lines, grids and vortexes, even if they do not fully understand why certain things happen. These scientific acknowledgments include: unexplainable biochemical changes that occur when a person is at one of these centers and the fact that the energy centers and paths are all heavily charged with negative ions, even in the most arid climate conditions.
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Reality Shifts

AngelicView: Now this is something I can totally relate to! This woman is a physicist, and she talks about auras and reality shifts and different people’s experiences which are paranormal and then ties in the current scientific understandings that back up those experiences. This is a complete near line-up between science and spirituality – which is exciting for me. 

I have been following forums in which people are describing more and more lately (over the last couple of years) exactly these types of experiences, and I have had a few of them myself. Very interesting and informative information.

And by the way, just as a side-note, I was looking at this site on someone else’s computer today and I noticed that some of the pictures were so big that they came off the right side of the article and obscured part of the list on the right side. It doesn’t look like that on my screen and I had no idea that that was happening. So from now on, I’m going to try to downsize my pictures a little bit. 😉

Skip to: 1 hour and 16 min

Author and intuitive coach Cynthia Sue Larson talked about the ways consciousness changes the physical world in a kind of “reality shift,” as well as her work with auras. Aura colors are often associated with tendencies that people have. For example, red is energetic and physical, violet is very spiritual, and blue is clear thinking, she outlined. Aura reading or energy sensing can improve people’s lives, increasing their intuition about people and situations, and maybe even keep you out of danger, Larson remarked (check out her video on how to see auras).

She cited a case Edgar Cayce publicized about a woman shopping at a department store who avoided getting on an elevator because the group of people on it seemed to have no aura. The elevator dropped straight down and some of the passengers were killed.

Larson described anomalous events that she refers to as “reality shifts,” which include dead people being seen alive again, “glitch in the Matrix” time loops, and most commonly, objects disappearing and then re-appearing in odd places. She posited that we could be accessing or seeing the effects of the multiverse, and “through intention we can actually visualize a better possibility and find ourselves there.”

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C2C: The Coral Castle

AngelicView: The portion of this Coast to Coast that really fascinated me was the part on the Coral Castle. If you don’t know what I’m talking about (or just want to learn more about the Coral Castle) then click *here* to go to the official Coral Castle site. It has become a museum – one which I’d love to visit sometime!

Skip to 1 hour 16 minutes and 40 seconds to hear the part on the Coral Castle.

Author and researcher Michael Kohler discussed the work of Edward Leedskalnin and his Coral Castle near Miami, Florida. People have long been puzzled by how this man of slight build was able to single-handedly move huge coral rocks, in addition to moving some 200 tons from Florida City (Coral Castle’s original location) to Homestead. The rocks were placed on a flatbed truck but no one ever saw how Leedskalnin got them off the vehicle, and into their ultimate positions. After the move to Homestead, he added an additional 900 tons of coral rocks to the new location, Kohler recounted.

Leedskalnin figured out the mathematical concept of Phi (based on the Fibonacci sequence) and used it in his overall design of Coral Castle, Kohler theorized. He thinks Leedskalnin may have tapped into certain “morphic fields” during a near-death experience, which gave him the knowledge or ability to use frequency changes to cause the stones to get lighter– possibly via his pineal gland. At the Homestead site, he may have been using a different method to move the stones such as through counter-rotating fields and electromagnetism, Kohler suggested. His placement of the Obelisk, a 30 ton solid piece of coral (see related video), could have been implemented to take or charge energy from the ground or groundwater.

AngelicView: I’m sorry but this video was taken down and I cannot seem to find another one. I will post more on the Coral Castle soon.

Teal Scott: How Can It Be?

AngelicView: Yes! Yes! Yes! And Yes!  (Okay, I’ll calm down now). Many thanks to Teal Scott for this wonderful article. 🙂



How can spiritual teachers say that everything (even our deepest pain) comes to bless us? Why do we worry if we know it creates bad things for us? And how can it be that spiritual teachers can simultaneously say that we are all one, while at the same time saying that we create our own individual realities where no one can impose themselves upon us? It is because of how the physical dimension was designed!
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So, You’re Trying to Tell Me that I Chose This?


By AngelicView

This is the kind of information that can change your life. It can change the way you look at your life. It’s a shift in perception about you and the world around you, and about how you view your life and the circumstances therein.

You Chose This.

All of It.

Yes, you did.

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Dissecting the Matrix – God’s Last Secret

“Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so
sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from
that dream? How would you know the difference
between the dream world and the real world? ”
– Morpheus, The Matrix

SelfRealization  Continue reading

The NDE Exemplifies Spirituality (Part 2)

(Continued from Part 1)

By Kevin Williams, NDE Researcher


Love is God

  We must open our hearts to love because love is God. Open our minds to life because life is God. Open our eyes to light because light is God. Love, light, and light is God; in other words, totally unfathomable! (Kevin Williams)

  Love is the power of life. I know that love between people here can be eternal. The key is love. (RaNelle Wallace)

  In the search for truth, all paths lead to love, the Spirit of God. (Sandra Rogers)

  Everyone is in the circle of God, Love. The Kingdom of God is within us. But more important, we are in the Kingdom of God. The Spirit of God is within us, but more important, we are in the Spirit of God. The love of God is within us, but more important, we are in the love of God. All there is – is God. (Jan Price)
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The NDE Exemplifies Spirituality (Part 1)

By Kevin Williams, NDE ResearcherAngel78

Some people believe that to be religious means to be spiritual and vice versa. They might go to church regularly, and have a great knowledge and understanding of scriptures, and believe this is what it means to be spiritual. They may even treat people badly or even live like the devil, but because they go to church and know scriptures they believe they are spiritual.

Information gleaned from near-death accounts show that spirituality is very different from being religious. Perhaps the best way to distinguish religion and spirituality is to say that religion is the outward formula for guiding people inward to the spiritual force of love and compassion for others. In fact, religion and spirituality are so different, you probably know somebody who is so religious they’re not very spiritual.

A Summary of NDE Spirituality

 The following information is a summary of the insights about spirituality gleaned from the near-death accounts:

According to near-death accounts, the reason for our very existence is to attain spiritual growth. We are more of a spiritual being than we are a physical being. We assume a body of flesh out of a desire for spiritual growth, to complete a mission for God, to qualify for higher spirit realms, to test our spiritual ideas we had before we were born to see if we actually possess these ideals, to obtain a level of self-realization, to re-discover higher knowledge in physical ways, to be more of a companion of God, to find the kingdom of heaven within, to achieve our goal of evolving into the higher spirit beings we once were, but with individuality, to make God stronger by spreading love which is God, to bring light in a world of darkness, but more importantly, to play, love, laugh, and live for the sole purpose of it because this is the way to holiness.

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Pi – The Great Work

“The book of nature is written in the language of mathematics.”  ~Galileo


AngelicView: I have never been a good student of Math. I didn’t like it in school, and I’m not too fond of it to this day. I think it has something to do with the rote memory factor of learning it. In Math, as I see it, you just have to learn a bunch of things that don’t make sense and do it “just because that’s how it’s done”. In my life, whenever I have learned anything effectively, I have learned it in a way that tells me the “why’s” it is the way it is. And if there is a “why” to Mathematics, then the American education system has failed me, in that respect.

Perhaps this is the reason I never really could understand Numerology, including Geometry, the Fibonacci Sequence, Pi, and everything that goes with it. However, as a student of esoteric knowledge and philosophy, I have to consider that when someone (or many someones) are getting so excited and standing upon rooftops and shouting about something, then there’s probably something to it, and I’m just not getting what it is. And so it is in this category that I place Numerology – for me.

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Truth, Technology, and Freedom


AngelicView: These lovely people do a “Truth Hour” once a week, and I enjoy watching it. I don’t always 100% agree with everything they say, but it resonates enough to where I really like to hear their points of view. They generally discuss current events happening around the world, focusing on a certain theme for each show.

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The Overview Effect


AngelicView: Wow! Thanks to one of my friends on Facebook for sharing this film.

Video Description:‘Overview’ is a short film that explores this phenomenon through interviews with five astronauts who have experienced the Overview Effect. The film also features insights from commentators and thinkers on the wider implications and importance of this understanding for society, and our relationship to the environment. (19min 11sec)

Beyond The Secret – The Moses Code

AngelicView: Even though this video’s title suggests that the video is for Christians, I assure you, it’s for All. It’s about what Moses went through and how we can see his messages in our lives in today’s world. My favorite part was when the man who helped at Ground Zero on 9/11 speaks about his experiences. I laughed and I cried. My Spirit really needed this message today, and I thought your’s might like it, too.

Deliberate Attraction Series

AngelicView: Lilou Mace Interviews Michael Losier, the author of the Best-Selling Book, “Law of Attraction”.  Thanks to one of my lovely Facebook friends for bringing this series to my attention. 🙂

In these interviews published in 2010, Michael helps Lilou attract to her life the “Juicy Living Tour”, and as we all know, she did do that in 2011!

I think this is something we all need to become masters of – like, now 😉 and I had so much fun watching these videos and applying them to my life. I found myself laughing and clapping along with Lilou!

Some of these videos are longer and some are shorter, so just sit back and take one video a day, if you like, to improve your use of the Law of Attraction.

Video #1 

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Flirting with Freedom

AngelicView: Here is another case of a Spiritually Transformative Event (STE). This time, brought on by hallucinogens. 

Flirting with death, life and love.

It’s strange to be so convinced of the reality of the spiritual world where divisions can be seen, appreciated and shattered, and love and understanding are universal, while I haven’t had a Near Death Experience. I’ve had several “flirtations” with the spiritual realm. Most of these have come to me through the use of hallucinogens, so I won’t blame you if you dismiss them as delusions. However, I do think that I would have missed out on an important element of my learning and happiness if I dismissed them this way.

A contributing factor to my belief that these hallucinations weren’t completely unreal is that I had a few experiences during my childhood (before I ever experimented with drugs) that were identical in nature to these “trips”. Not in clarity or intensity, perhaps, but the message was the same.

The two major experiences I can put into any words at all, I will describe here. One was with someone I loved very deeply in a romantic way, and the other was with my brother, whom I love deeply in a platonic way.

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Psychotic Spiritual Awakening

Man Diagnosed as Psychotic After Spiritual Awakening

Thanks to in5d

Imagine having a kundalini awakening and having the gift of literally seeing the connection of all human beings, then being diagnosed as psychotic. That’s what happened to this man after his spiritual awakening!

In 1981 I was sitting in meditation when, just for an instant, a bolt of lightning flashed through my mind. I began acting so unlike my normal self that a friend brought me to a hospital, afraid I was going crazy. Though I was let out of that hospital after three days, the experiences that began to unfold were so overwhelming that I was hospitalized a number of other times during that first year. I was diagnosed as having had a severe psychotic break and was told that I had a chemical imbalance and had manic-depressive illness. I was put on lithium, and at times, haldol (an anti-psychotic). I was told I would have to live with my illness for the rest of my life.

I was one of the lucky ones, as I was able to extricate myself from the medical and psychiatric establishment. Little did the doctors realize that I was taking part in some sort of spiritual awakening/shamanic initiation process, which at times mimicked psychosis but in actuality was an experience of a far different order. In 1993, after many years of struggling to contain and integrate my experiences, I started to teach about what I was realizing. I am now in private practice, assisting others who were spiritually emerging and beginning to wake up to the dreamlike nature of reality. In a dream come true, psychiatrists consult with me and send me patients.

In ancient wisdom cultures it was understood that there were certain individuals whose craziness was the sign of a passage into a higher consciousness. They realized that the person needed to be both honored and supported in their process. They knew that the person who passes through this process successfully and becomes an accomplished shaman, healer, or teacher, returns bearing incredible gifts and blessings of wisdom and healing for everyone. To quote the noted author Ken Wilber “Though the temporary unbalance precipitated by such a crisis may resemble a nervous breakdown, it cannot be dismissed as such. For it is not a pathological phenomena but a normal event for the gifted mind in these societies, when struck by and absorbing the force of the realization of ‘something far more deeply infused’ inhabiting both the round earth and one’s own interior.”

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