Tag Archive | Afterlife TV

How To Know if Your Spirit Guides are Guiding You


“Angels Among Us” by Simon Dewey

AngelicView: We can’t see wind, but we know it’s there because of the leaf which tosses to and fro, and bumbles across the yard. We can’t see our Spirit Guides, either (or at least most of us can’t), but there are ways in which we can tell that they are there – if we’re paying attention.

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Out of Body Experience: Discover Your Spiritual Essence By Leaving Your Body

Fiordland National Park, New Zealand (Nathan Kaso)

Image Credit: Head Like an Orange

AngelicView: Total awesomeness 🙂 Interview with William Buhlman

Video Description: “If you enjoy the Afterlife TV near-death experience interviews, you’ll really enjoy this down-to-earth guest who has learned to leave his body intentionally innumerable times for more than 40 years. William Buhlman shares with us what it’s like for our consciousness to exit our body, how simple this is to do (with commitment & persistence), and what we can learn about life and the afterlife by having this experience. William’s intelligence and analytical nature takes out-of-body insight to whole new level. He describes how we are multidimensional beings, how OBEs are actually experiencing a duplicate reality, how our human beliefs affect our experiences (including our initial afterlife experiences), how we can see our loved ones in spirit during OBEs, and how leaving our body shifts us inward (not outward) to our true essence as non-physical, creative, spiritual beings. William Buhlman finally discusses how his early OBEs eliminated his fear of death and how these experiences can actually prepare us for death. There’s so much more that we discussed that teaches how to live more fully, it’s an episode I believe everyone will enjoy.” ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV http://www.afterlifetv.com

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Induced After Death Communication: A New Discovery for Spirit Contact

AngelicView: I think this is amazing! This doctor at the VA Hospital accidentally discovered how he can help someone have an ADC (After Death Communication). He was helping patients with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) using a new technique involving eye movements that mimic the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) portion of the sleep cycle. What he found when he did this kind of therapy was that if the patient did an extra set of eye movements beyond the normal set, they would have an ADC.

Of course, this doc was astounded. Then he started having them do these extra eye movements on purpose. He found that almost every time, the person would have communication with a spirit – most generally the spirit who triggered the PTSD in the first place. The spirit would reassure the patient that they were in a great place and were doing very well there – and the PTSD would be cured!

Since that time, Dr. Allan Botkin has taught his technique to more practitioners who are having similar results and curing more PTSD sufferers.

Video Description: “Just when I begin to wonder if I’ve seen it all, something like this comes along to get me excited again. Dr. Allan Botkin has discovered a new way to communicate with our loved ones in spirit. He calls it Induced After Death Communication (IADC) and the experience allows people to communicate directly with people in spirit, ask them questions, and even feel their hugs. Al Botkin has already proven that IADCs are a beneficial therapy technique for grief and trauma. And I believe Al Botkin or someone else will discover new and amazing uses and benefits to this IADC method of spirit contact well beyond what we can even imagine thus far.” ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV

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Dying to Be Me (Part 3)

AngelicView: Part 3 of “Dying to Be Me” is an interview with Anita Moorjani by Bob Olson from Afterlife TV. Her NDE is one of the most profound that has been shared on the web. Her NDE can be read on AngelicView here: “Dying to Be Me (Part 1)” and a Q&A Interview from NDERF can be read on AngelicView here: “Dying to Be Me (Part 2)“.

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Reclaim Your Divine Self, Worth, and Purpose with Paul Selig


AngelicView: Bob Olson with Afterlife TV interviews Paul Selig, a Channeler. He claims that he channels his Spirit Guides, and has written some of these channelings in a series of three books. The first book that was discussed in this video, Paul says took him – through the work of his channeling – two weeks to write.

Beware! My opinions below ↓

So, my opinion on channeling has changed over time. Back in about 2009 I followed a couple of channelers “religiously”. After awhile, I decided I did not like channelings anymore since I was unable to discern who the channeling (words) were coming from. Now I’m back on the fence with the subject.

Here’s the thing – for me, (for example) when I have a problem in my life I can sit down in a quiet, dark room and clear my mind and usually come up with a really great answer to my problem or question. I think that answer comes from my Higher Self or perhaps my Spirit Guides. What am I doing in this situation? Channeling.

I love Edgar Cayce, right? I really have respect for everything he had to say. While some might say he was having NDE’s, he was not having NDE’s in the sense that we understand them today because his body was still alive and only appeared to be sleeping or in a trance state. Because he felt that his consciousness went somewhere – he saw a bright light and traveled through a tunnel – today we would call the experience “NDE-Like” or an “STE” (Spiritually Transformative Event). He was bringing back information in the form of words and could answer questions and make prophecies. What was he doing? Channeling.

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Same Soul, Many Bodies

AngelicView: This post is going to have two components to it. One is an outstanding interview ofStarseed-35 Dr. Brian Weiss with Art Bell, and the second is a case-study mentioned in part 3 of that interview.

Let’s start with Dr. Brian Weiss. This interview is one that everyone who is interested in Reincarnation, Past Lives, Regression Hypnosis, and Life Between Lives should listen to. They also discuss Aliens migrating to Earth and Future Lives. Check out his credentials (below):

Video Description:As a traditional psychotherapist, Dr. Brian Weiss was astonished and skeptical when one of his patients began recalling past-life traumas that seemed to hold the key to her recurring nightmares and anxiety attacks. His skepticism was eroded, however, when she began to channel messages from “the space between lives,” which contained remarkable revelations about Dr. Weiss’s family and his dead son. Using past-life therapy, he was able to cure the patient and embark on a new, more meaningful phase of his own career.

A graduate of Columbia University and Yale Medical School, Brian L. Weiss M.D. is Chairman Emeritus of Psychiatry at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami.

Dr. Weiss maintains a private practice in Miami. In addition, Dr. Weiss conducts national and international seminars and experiential workshops as well as training programs for professionals.

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One Spirit’s Testimony of Life after Death: “The Afterlife of Billy Fingers”


AngelicView: Here is a great example of ADC (After Death Communication).

This lady is a doctor (I’m thinking she said she is a “Craniopathic”… remembering from last night… which is a Chiropractor who specializes on the head) and she realized that she seemed to be picking up the energies or emotions (such as anxiety, sadness, or anger) from her patients. Seeing many patients in a day, this was beginning to take a toll on her. We know this to be someone who is empathic – they are somewhat psychic in a sense, but rather than picking up specific information from others, they feel just the way the other person is feeling.

∞ tangent ∞

As a side note, I wanted to say something about this to you. I’ll use myself as an example to get across a point. The point is that the world truly does take all kinds.

While I have empathy for people, and can relate to their problems or feelings, I don’t generally take on the feelings of others. I can also feel that there are negative or positive energies in a room without letting it affect me. I was beginning to feel that I was somehow missing something or perhaps not doing something right because I’m not empathic – like many Spiritual people say they are. But over some time I realized that I couldn’t do my job as a nurse if I was!

I have to deal with sickness and misery at work, and I have to be strong for them. If I was empathic, I would not be able to be strong – I would break down and I wouldn’t be effective at all.

And so if you are not empathic, please don’t think that there’s anything wrong with you! You are the way you are for a reason, and certainly not less than anyone else – who is the way they are for their reasons.

∞ end tangent – back to story ∞

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Backwards: Returning to Our Source for Answers


AngelicView:  I know I have shared a bunch of these Afterlife TV interviews lately, but I’m working my way through their play list and I want to get some of the very best ones out to you while they’re still fresh in my mind (besides… Coast to Coast has been a bit boring lately 😉  ).

I could have sworn that Nanci Danison’s NDE was on AngelicView somewhere, but after a quick search was unable to find it. This is Bob Olson interviewing her.

There are some notable aspects to her NDE that I’d like to bring forward.

One is that she says she was brought back here because she is on a mission. See, her incarnation cycle in human bodies was finished. But she came back to Earth to try to bring awareness to people about the other side of the veil – through her Near Death Experience.

I could really relate to that because I feel that I’m on a similar mission. Why, about 9 or so years ago, did I start reading NDE accounts (with fervor) to the point that I had eventually read thousands? Then I kind of started this blog in a strange way (read my “About Me” to get that story). When I started the blog I wasn’t thinking that I was going to post NDE’s in particular – that idea came later. Then the NDE’s were very popular so I kept up with them. And while I do post on other subjects, NDE’s are my first love. And so I could relate with her mission.

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Does Our Soul Plan Life’s Challenges Before Birth?


AngelicView: Um – yes! Although I have written articles on this subject, I highly recommend this video anyway if you are interested in the subject. Robert Schwartz is the Author of “Your Soul’s Plan”, a very popular book (although I have not yet read this one, I have heard of it over and over). In this interview with Bob Olson, Robert has gone into much more detail that I have in my articles. Among other things, they discuss:

  1. Why do bad accidents happen (like, when someone becomes a paraplegic, for example)?
  2. Were our pets planned?
  3. What about Free Will and the Law of Attraction?
  4. Could I have prevented my loved one’s death?
  5. Why do some people die young?

I have watched the first video all the way through and completely agreed with everything he said, based on my own studies. I have included the second video of another interview with the same man that expands on the first.

Does our Soul Plan our Life’s Challenges Before Birth?

Video Description: In this interview, I talk with Robert Schwartz, author of Your Soul’s Plan, about how our souls plan our challenges in life on purpose. If you’ve ever wondered why bad things happen to good people, Robert Schwartz shares with us his conclusions about that topic based on years of research. This video conversation offers hope and understanding about the challenges we meet in life, and it might even leave you with a sense of inner peace and acceptance in the face of your challenges — or at least help you believe there is meaning to your suffering and that you’re not merely a victim of unlucky circumstances. I’m excited to present this conversation to you, so I hope you won’t miss it.” ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV http://www.afterlifetv.com

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Past Lives & Life Between Lives Regression


AngelicView: Here’s something for people who would like to learn more about this subject. This is Nancy Canning, Hypnotherapist, interviewed by Bob Olson.

Personally, I think I can get a feeling about two of my past lives. Those two may be the only ones I’ve ever had – or I may have had many many more.

  1. This one is a more detailed memory: I was an American Indian girl a very long time ago. I didn’t know about the white men, so it was before they came to America. I think I lived somewhere which looked like the Appalachian Mountains. It was not near the ocean. It was a great and peaceful life. I was about 14 years old when one night my family’s home caught fire. I was able to get out, but after I did I realized that my family (namely, my parents) were still inside. I was too scared to go back in so I stood outside and screamed and screamed for them in horror. They never made it out.
  2. This one is less detailed: I was a woman a very very long time ago. Someplace like Atlantis or Egypt. I was from a very wealthy family. I was beautiful and rich and, well… “stuck up”, I guess you would say. I treated other people badly. I treated the men who loved me badly and I treated the poorer people badly.

So those are my two memories. Do you have any you’d like to share?

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Application of Impossible Things Part 2


AngelicView: This is a captivating interview of the woman from the story, “Application of Impossible Things“, an NDE found here on AngelicView.

Natalie was an archaeologist who accepted a position managing construction contracts in Iraq when the vehicle she was riding in was hit by a roadside bomb. Her awareness was immediately “blinked” to the other side. This is a three-part interview and for those who may be interested in the subject, the interviewer does a great job asking the questions which illicit more and more information about her unique experience.

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