Tag Archive | michio kaku

Michio Kaku on the Massive Mega Structure Found in Space


AngelicView: I think this is big – coming from Dr. Michio Kaku – on the subject of the giant “alien” (I use that term loosely) megastructure found in space between the Kepler Telescope and a star. He says that there are great light fluctuations in this star, as if something massive is passing in front of the star. If it was a planet, he says that there would be a maximum of a 1% light fluctuation. But in this case the star light has been dropping 22%. Kaku says there is a colossal, humongous object of some kind blocking the star light.

He says that since it was first observed in 2009, they have ruled out everything else, and are left with the speculation of it being an alien mega structure.

See the video, below.

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The Future of the Mind


AngelicView: This discussion takes place between 10min 20sec and ends at 1hr and 15min. I’m not sure how long it’ll be up on You Tube – so listen soon if you want to hear about it. 🙂

Dr. Michio Kaku discussed the astonishing scientific research on the mind being done in top laboratories, based on the latest advancements in neuroscience and physics. Our mind is the most complex object, perhaps in the known universe, and now some of its mysteries are being revealed as we are able to peer directly into the thinking brain, he marveled. The brain is different from a computer– it’s a learning machine, a neural network that rewires itself after learning a new task, he explained, and a large portion of it is devoted to unconscious thoughts and emotions which gives us often useful involuntary responses. In the coming years, more people will have chips that connect their brains to computers to augment their abilities (currently used for paralyzed people), he detailed.

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Dark Matter: Art Bell Interviews Dr. Michio Kaku

AngelicView: I think you are going to find this interview very interesting. I made a list of subjects that were discussed for your reference:

  • Quantum Entanglement
  • Quantum Consciousness
  • Types of Civilizations in the Cosmos
  • Fukushima
  • Exoplanets and Extra-Terrestrials
  • Higgs Boson Particle
  • Dark Matter
  • Large Hadron Collider
  • Black Holes and Gamma Ray Bursts (WR104)
  • This Solar Cycle
  • Telepathy
  • Dreams
  • MK Ultra
  • “Suitcase” Hydrogen Bombs
  • Uploading Memories
  • Colonizing/Terra-forming Mars
  • A great explanation of String Theory

Then he goes into a few listener questions and open lines.

Just a little tiny rant from me – don’t believe everything you hear/see/read… even if Dr. Michio Kaku says it! All information is just that – information. I happen to think this is very interesting information to add to the information that already exists in my brain 😉

Consciousness and the Zero Point Field: Are Akashic Records Real?

AngelicView: I love this short article, which brings together theories from quantum science and theories from spirituality (which is really what I’m trying to do here in this blog – I’m not the only one!) This article discusses the theories of Erwin Laszlo, Philosopher of Science (yes, that’s his title). He wrote the book “Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything”. 

Thanks to Paranormal People

“To Be or Not to Be… the Question may be Irrelevant”

A swirling vortex of subatomic particles, influenced by gravity, solar energy and subtle nuclear forces; this is our universe…this is our reality.  Some may find that description to be cogent while others may find cause to question.

I am real, my world is real, and it is made up of real things, with texture and depth and value. Or is it?  The science of physics, coupled with the sciences of evolutionary biology and neurobiology, have given us a grander, closer view of reality, closer than most are aware.  It has shown, with remarkable accuracy and overwhelming consistency, that we and our world are nothing more than a massive collection of particles, spinning and vibrating in different ways, depending on our spatial relationship to the various energies that surround us.

Physics or more specifically, quantum physics is the study of small things, the micro universe, the subatomic universe and beyond.  Its principal endeavour is to find, through scientific experimentation and theoretical mathematics, a way to describe the entire universe –or to find a theory of everything.  The likes of Stephen Hawking, Michio Kaku, Brian Greene and many, many more brilliant theoretical and applied physicists have defined reality to an amazing depth.  They have, collectively, provided answers to some of life’s most vexing questions, and they, along side some of the most brilliant minds of natural science, such as Richard Dawkins, P.Z. Meyers and a host of others are on the brink of finding definitive answers to any question mankind might ever conceive.

Though one question still stands unanswered, a question that has been the focus of philosophy’s greatest orators for millennia…Consciousness.  What is it?  Where does it come from?  Is it intrinsic to all life, or is it unique to higher mammals?

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