Tag Archive | Healing

Healed By Angels – Through Surgeons


AngelicView: I was lucky to have been found by this wonderful young woman through the AngelicView Facebook Group (linked here). She was involved in a car accident which led to her NDE. I encourage you to visit her Word Press Site, as she relates many of her learnings from her experience there which can be applied in everyday life.

As a nurse, the most valuable lesson I have gotten from her experience was the fact that Angels (or Extra-Dimensional Helpers, as I call them) worked through the surgeons to heal her broken back as a result of her accident. They worked through the doctors… whether they believed in them or not, whether they were aware of them or not, whether they called on them or not. Personally, I believe that Angels can work through me – perhaps even more efficiently – if I believe in them, if I am aware of them, and if I call on them.

Thanks Tricia, for allowing me to share an excerpt of your experience here on AngelicView.

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Lessons of the Heart


By AngelicView

Here we are – the last weekend in May – and it’s the weekend that the Carnival comes to my town.

When I was young, it was the most looked-forward-to weekend of my life! I marched in the parade, I ran the town (free) with my friends. I rode all the rides. I ate that yummy carnival food. I stayed out late. I flirted and I smooched. I had the time of my life!

Now, it’s the most painful weekend besides Christmas. Hear me out here – because I just know there’s a big lesson to be learned here.

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Derren Brown: Apocalypse

AngelicView: This was done in Australia. They took a young man of 22 years who was irresponsible, uncaring, took advantage of people, and just basically had a low self-esteem, and they made him believe that the world was ending. This is Brilliantly done! He was absolutely convinced of it. Wait ’til you see how they did it!

In the end, he has discovered how much he values the life he has, how much he loves the people in it, and his own worthiness. 

This is very much how I view life here on Earth! We come here and have some struggles. But then when we’re done with it, we realize that it was only an illusion and that we were never really in any danger. And then we party big-time and give hugs to those who were also actors in the Earth life.


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AngelicView: Close your eyes for a moment and just imagine a scenario. Imagine that the headlines of every paper and the top news story on every TV News station read:

“Earthing: The New Miracle Healer”

Then just imagine everyone in the world re-learning this method of keeping healthy. In our world of work-work-work and run-run-run, people have forgotten this ancient way of life. Of connecting to the Earth.

By the way, I think everyone on Earth should watch this amazing video (and thanks to Laron at Transients for bringing it to my attention). It not only contains personal stories of healing, but also scientific experiments on the benefits of Earthing.

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A Diamond in the Flesh


AngelicView: I want to share this amazing STE (Spiritually Transformative Event) with all of you today. Thanks to John for sharing your story 🙂

In the late winter of 1984, I was despondent and contemplating suicide. I had acquired two razor blades and had a plan to end my life. From that despair came the greatest spiritual experience that has ever happened me. Here is the story of the night God visited me.

In 1983, I entered monastery in central Minnesota. At this time I won’t go into all the background about my life, but I was troubled on a lot of different levels and I had become convinced that I needed to go to the monastery to pursue a life of contemplation and spirituality. I felt estranged from my family, sort of a failure at college, a failure at relationships, without too many prospects for a good future. At 24 years of age, I was lost.

After getting through a three month candidacy period, I had entered the novitiate and was living in an older part of the quadrangle in the monastery. The life of a novice is one of many hours of silence, so I felt pretty isolated to begin with. I didn’t get along with most of the other novices, I had come from such a different background. This increased my sense of isolation and loneliness, which in turn began to get me deeply depressed. I had way too much time, in the late evening hours all be myself in my room, to ruminate over some of my character issues, the mistakes I had made, and where I had ended up.

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Teal: How Can I Help Reduce Suffering on This Planet?

By Teal

When we look at something across the world that causes suffering or when we look at something in someone else’s life that causes them to suffer, we feel powerless. Being empathetic, we want desperately to do something to improve the situation. But we don’t know how. The most crucial thing for us to understand is that we will never feel good about the world we live in, or about ourselves until we stop addressing suffering in terms of specific, isolated incidents. We will only reduce suffering if we treat suffering on this planet as a whole.

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The Sacred Science


Thanks to Laron at Transients for bringing this up. “The Sacred Science” is an online documentary/reality show about a group of eight people that travel into the Amazon jungle to heal their real-world illnesses with shamanic healing.

Trailer: “The Sacred Science”

This was a really good film – but if you want to watch it for free, you have to be quick about it! Check out the 2nd link down to watch it for free.

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Travelling Through Life and Death

AngelicView: This is one riveting account – not to be missed! Thanks to Dr. Bell for sharing his experience.

“The secret of the human self-healing power is hidden deeply in our subconscious. It is not a mysterious magic or supernatural power, but indeed an innate ability essential and fundamental for human survival. We are all inherited with this natural survival power from the moment we are born. It’s equally shared by everybody, regardless of race, gender or religion. No one has a stronger power than the others. This precious self-healing power is actually well-written down in our DNA, keeps renewing and transforming over the past centuries, which sustains the evolution of humanity.” ~Dr. Bell

About Me

Dr. Bell C.F. CHUNG, PhD in Cognitive Psychology from the University of Hong Kong. I encountered a near fatal glider crash in New Zealand in 2004, falling down 200 meters. I had an incredible 11 minutes near death experience when my soul came out of my body and I was given the choice to die or to return to life. Unable to decide, I was restored to life. Yet a nightmare awaited me. The doctor declared that either my right foot was to be amputated or the bones would die from avascular necrosis.

Refusing to fall into the paradoxical disability trap, I integrated the traditional Chinese aesthetics and Indian ayurvedic medicine into modern psychological treatment and discovered the vital key to activate the enormous self-healing power that lies inside us – the subconscious. I healed my physical injury and overcame the haunting depression, reborn and recovered with freedom and wisdom. By now, I am standing on my own feet again and my footsteps have reached nearly 40 countries.

If every man who comes back from death is meant to carry a special mission, then I believe that my most important mission is to share my miracle recovery story, because miracle is not exclusive to me, but equally shared by everyone on this planet. I am merely a selected story teller.

On this note, I’m here to share with you my miracle journey.

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The Healing Power of the Mind with Deepak Chopra

If anyone in the last decades has had a major impact in the holistic medicine it must be Dr Deepak Chopra.

 Born and raised in India, he had his medical education in the Unites States. It was after a personal meeting with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi that he was persuaded to study the 4000-year-old traditional Indian Ayurveda.

 Ayurveda is Sanskrit for the ‘the science of life’. After his meeting with the Maharishi he went to take the train where he met a friend who handed him a book about Ayurveda.

 One and one makes two and Deepak knew there was a message here.

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Past Lives and Regressive Hypnosis

AngelicView: This is one of my very favorite subjects! In one place they are talking about “Spontaneous Past Life Regression”, where they describe that when someone travels to a foreign land, they might realize that they’ve been there before. So I just wanted to relate that I know someone that that happened to!

One of my fellow co-workers, a nurse, traveled to Taiwan. When she got there she felt so comfortable and felt like it was home for her. She seemed to know her way around and know about the places they were going to see even before they saw them. I told her I thought she might have had a past life there, and she agreed that she felt that was the case.

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“Let the Chain of Abuse End with Me”

AngelicView: That’s what she said to herself, after her experience. This woman, who had been abused as a child, found herself with increasing amounts of anger and frustration and realized that she was turning into her parents. She decided she was going to commit suicide in order to save her own children from the pain that she had to endure. As she was planning her mode of exit, she suddenly had an SOBE (Spontaneous Out of Body Experience) where she was taken “home”. 

During her experience, she realized that (yes) she had planned this life, including all the up’s and down’s. Her intention in this planning was to overcome the hurt and end the cycle of abuse. 

Angel64On the night this happened I was sitting outside alone deciding my life ending alternatives and instantaneously went out of my body and into an unearthly place so beautiful (no words to describe the beauty) with a river of music. Each note and tone had a color associated with it. I was filled with boundless joy and a happiness I had never known. As I touched this flowing river I became part of it.

There ARE colors we don’t get to experience on earth and music we have yet to hear.

There was no time measurement. it could have been a second, a minute, or an hour or days that I was there.

After playing in the river for whatever time I did, a strong white light came onto me and I was transported to “heaven” or what I DO KNOW is HOME. There was a cloaked spirit leading me through the most wondrous (again, no eartly words to describe) crystal palace with angels I did not see but heard, singing and I knew it was the music of the spheres.

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Nothing Left Untouched

AngelicView: This is what we call a “Spiritually Transformative Event” (STE). An STE is an experience that does not fit neatly into a category of NDE or OBE. It’s something that happens to a person that’s paranormal in nature (I don’t like that word “paranormal”, because of the negative associations with it. But it is what it is…) Angel6that transforms their beliefs and their life.

I had been sent home from the hospital after a cardiac event with diagnosed pneumonia.  I was resting propped up on pillows but I couldn’t breathe.  I am not sure whether I lost consciousness or I was just in a deep sleep but I opened my eyes and saw a beautiful woman sitting on the edge of my bed, illuminated in softly glowing light.  I could see her clearly and she seems real.  For just a split second I wondered who she was but this thought was just a fragment because having her at my bedside seemed completely natural, normal and unsurprising.  There was no sense of alarm.  I just knew I didn’t know exactly who she was. 

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“I Refuse to Accept This Limitation…!”

From Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. (Association for Research and Enlightenment) Blog
By Suzette Faith Foster

“I Refuse to Accept This
Limitation—God is My Source!”

Q. Can healing be instantaneous or is it always progressive?
A. The natural bent is progressive, but this does not indicate it may not be instantaneous.
Edgar Cayce reading (443-6)

We all hold, whether tapped or untapped, the healing and manifesting potential of the mind, body and spirit. It took one experience for me to validate the depth and power of this potential in myself.


mountain bikeI had met up with my friends for our weekly mountain bike ride, which involved leaning into curves, riding over obstacles, and jumping piles of logs.


We reached a familiar teeter-totter, one we had mastered many times, riding up one side and down the other. Then we stopped and contemplated one much bigger that was new to the trail. I wanted to try it.


In mountain biking, speed is your friend. I pressed forward.


My front tire made contact with the teeter-totter. But next, I found myself barreling headfirst into the ground.


My neck snapped!

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Dying to be Me (Part 2)

(Continued from Part 1)

AngelicView: Okay, as promised, here is part 2 of Anita’s story. In this part, I will post NDERF’s (Near Death Experience Research Foundation’s) interview with her. I think you are going to Love it! By the way, I have tried and tried to make all of Anita’s word appear in purple – but to no avail! They just don’t want to be purple – or any other color in particular. Sorry about that 😉



Anita M.

©Anita M. 2006

BeautifulWaterfallChina Anita M. was born in Singapore and then lived in Sri Lanka until she was 2 years old.  An ethnic Sindhi woman from India, her family then moved to Hong Kong where she grew up speaking fluent Sindhi, Cantonese and English, as well as being conversant with a multitude of cultural idioms.  Although a Hindu by birth, she was educated first in Catholic schools and then in private English schools in Hong Kong and later studied in England before returning to Hong Kong to take a senior management position for a French fashion company where she traveled all over the world using her multi-cultural, multilingual background in a variety of business and social settings. In December 1995, she married her husband and soulmate, Danny, who loves her unconditionally (and still does, despite her becoming a NDE freak now).  

In April 2002 she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and after nearly 4 years of battling the disease, she was taken to the intensive care unit of her local hospital in February 2006 where she was given less than 36 hours to live.  Her remarkable NDE and seeming miraculous recovery from cancer has created enormous interest and commentary on an international scale. 

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The Illusion of Separation

by AngelicView

SeekingYouHello my fellow incarnates! Today I’m going to talk to you about separation, and show you by example how it’s really only an illusion. Really!

We have to remember that our bodies only contain a percentage of the total of our spirit/soul. Let’s call that part of my soul which exists in this body right now my “mini-me”. The rest of my soul is still at “home”, wherever that may be for me. Because of the veil, I really don’t know exactly where the rest of my soul is. But that is what people call their “higher-self”.

There are probably other percentages of my higher-self living down here on Earth as other mini-me’s. That is what many people call “parallel lives”. They aren’t necessarily living the same kind of life I am, or having the same circumstances as I am, because if you think about it – the purpose for us to come here to Earth is to learn, and so what would we learn if we had 30 percent of our higher-selves spread throughout 3 bodies and they all had the same kind of lives? Not much, I’d say.

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Forgiveness Is Freedom

AngelicView: Okay everyone… I’m going to warn you right now, this story is hard to read! But I think it’s crucial! I think it’s a great lesson in forgiveness. This story needs to get out.

I will describe the story here, but I think all can benefit from reading the actual account, as she describes it all in so much more detail.

I was reading NDERF (Near Death Experience Research Foundation) Website and came across this ADC (After Death Communication).  The lady witnessed the bombing of a Bus Stop in Jerusalem. This is the difficult part to read, as she describes her experience in great detail.

After that, in 2008, the deceased from the bombing came to visit her in a group. The group of people talked about how the bomber was there with them and she was forgiven and that she is one of them. They told her that she should help to organize a Worldwide Day of Freedom to be on 11/11/11, in order to set the world free. This ADC was reported in 2008, so I don’t know if she ended up organizing the Worldwide Day of Freedom or not. It’s an amazing story to read and a great lesson in forgiveness! If they can do it, so can we!

Background: April 12, 2002: At least six people were killed and more than 80 wounded in the blast, which detonated near the crowded Mahane Yehuda market in Jerusalem. Police said the bomber, described as a young woman, loitered near the open-air shopping area before setting off “a very powerful bomb” at a nearby bus stop.  A planned meeting between U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has been delayed at least a day.

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“The Many”- On Healings

We will ask you then in the future when you are working on someone (doing healings), within your own selves when you are doing whatever you choose before you work on them, to make your intention one of changing the flow of energy to allow it to be released and flow through and replacing that energy with the requested energy of the person you are working on. So, that in each way you are honoring your ability, saying yes indeed, I am capable of moving this energy, and you are also honoring the ability and the responsibility of the person you are working on by saying that it is their choice to pick how they want you to continue. And in doing this, you will find that you are not responsible for someone’s response to your healing. You are not responsible for whether or not they are better or not. You are not responsible for fixing anything. Your sole responsibility, when you are doing this work, is to help release the damming that has happened at a particular vibrational level to allow once again the flow of energy. As long as you recognize your job, you will become a much better healer, and in doing it in this way, you will find there will be more people you will be able to assist in bigger and better ways. “The Many”
Photo: We will ask you then in the future when you are working on someone (doing healings), within your own selves when you are doing whatever you choose before you work on them, to make your intention one of changing the flow of energy to allow it to be released and flow through and replacing that energy with the requested energy of the person you are working on.  So, that in each way you are honoring your ability, saying yes indeed, I am capable of moving this energy, and you are also honoring the ability and the responsibility of the person you are working on by saying that it is their choice to pick how they want you to continue.  And in doing this, you will find that you are not responsible for someone's response to your healing.  You are not responsible for whether or not they are better or not.  You are not responsible for fixing anything.  Your sole responsibility, when you are doing this work, is to help release the damming that has happened at a particular vibrational level to allow once again the flow of energy. As long as you recognize your job, you will become a much better healer, and in doing it in this way, you will find there will be more people you will be able to assist in bigger and better ways.

Latest Tolec Interview

Here is the latest information from Tolec (Andromeda Council).

He talks of the Biospheres which will be (he says) for our use in different forms.

I didn’t have time to listen to the whole thing yet – but listened to 37 minutes of it before work today. Now it is 3am and I am too tired to  listen tonight and will finish it tomorrow.

I do find what he says very interesting.

He said that the people who choose to experience more of 3D life will be transported via two different Biospheres (Big spaceships) to another planet (not yet named). He describes the planet they will be living on.

He says anyone who stays here on Earth WILL be transformed into a 4D human.

He says, it’s not a spiritual thing… it’s simply Evolution.

(P.S. That’s what I’ve been saying ;))(Please see my comment below)