Tag Archive | Human History

Atlantis Was My Home

AngelicView: Some people seem to have memories of past lives. Sometimes it takes regressive hypnosis sessions and other times they just seem to remember. This story, in particular, really caught my attention because he is speaking of the Legendary Atlantis. Thanks to John, for sharing with us.

In Atlantis, I was at a place where I really felt I was at home. I had friends & people I could trust in and support me in anything in life. The life in Atlantis was based on spiritual respect and unconditional love. People lived in accordance with the Law of OneCityOfAncients in the brotherhood and sisterhood of Atlantis that had respect, honour and loyalty to one another. In this life I see myself as a healer and teacher. I had many additional gifts within my DNA.

Love and compassionate divinity was one of my gifts in that life when I fell in love. Love was free, flawless and given without judgment. unlike the people of today. Although people were genetically created to look perfect and look beautiful on a physical level, real beauty for me lay at a personality and an emotional level.

I had my own temple home where I lived; it was made out of white marble & light blue granite, the front of temple had support columns that were large, wide and very tall. The temples looked like Ancient Greek & Egyptian style in construction but more creative in science and colour. Each column had inscriptions of the Atlantean language, which was complex and a lot like the Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.

The Atlantean hieroglyphs were cryptic, they had riddles and real stories but they basically had 3 forms of written languages, one was similar to Phoenician, the other Runic, the third was a lot like ancient Sumerian, the hieroglyphic language they possessed was a lot like the Egyptian one, but with many differences.

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David Hatcher Childress Interview on Fade to Black

DavidHatcherChildress EasterIsland

AngelicView: I am fascinated by this guy, David Hatcher Childress. It seems that he has been everywhere and done everything (to me, anyway) regarding ancient megalithic sites – which I am also fascinated with, by the way! He tells us stories of many places he has been and tells us his views on how they were built, who built them, and what they were used for. David is one of the stars on Ancient Aliens, and so you would think he might say, “It was Aliens!“. But, no. He believes that ancient civilization contained some very advanced cultures – some even more advanced than our own – who built these fantastic structures. That view, by the way, is the same one that Graham Hancock takes. He, if you don’t know, is another famous researcher in megalithic sites and another one who’s opinions I respect.

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Mysteries That Rewrite Human History



AngelicView: I think this is a very well-written article by Collective Evolution loaded with great information and links to click on if you wish to have more information.

History is written by the victors.” – Winston Churchill

History is a wonderful and sometimes crucial aspect of reality that can give us key insight into where we have been -and where we are going.

Throughout the ages, time and time again; humans have been lied to.

Whether it be aristocracy, royalty, oppressive regimes or a slew of other tyrants humans have been fed time and time again fabricated lies to suit the agenda of these parties.

But is that period truly over?

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AngelicView: I have always been fascinated with the thought of Lemuria. This article is an excerpt from the book, “Where Were You Before the Tree of Life?” In it, it says that Lemuria existed way back when Earth was a 4th Dimensional (Density) world.

Chapter 8

The Branch of Lemuria

Although life as we know it began on the planet as much as ten and a half million years ago, it is, as Kryon says, only worth looking back at the information that is no older than 100,000 years. Before that time, one is looking at humans who were not in fact like us, and not really part of our direct lineage.

One must also remember that prior to the Great Flood of 9,000 BC, the planet was still fourth dimensional. Keeping this in mind, there are many who will speak of MU and Lemuria as being two separate cultures though in truth they were just on a different vibrational level. One aspect of the population in the early history of Mu was that they had the ability to come and go at will from their bodies, much like experienced astral travelers do—for the astral is the plane of the fourth dimension itself.

Mu, at that time, was a state of consciousness on this planet. It could exist in the West today and the South tomorrow and in the East the next day. It was a state of conscious existence. It could rise like a landmass out of the sea and it could disappear just as easily. That is not something that’s easily understand now because people are in a heavier vibration where things are much more fixed and move at a much slower pace.

There was a marked difference at that time also in the DNA structure, the crucial records of our genetic history stored within each and every cell.

Edgar Cayce mentions these early times and hints at the higher dimensional nature of the Lemurians in a few of his readings, but they are kind of nebulous, and lacking in very much detail:

“In the land known as Utah or Nevada, when the first peoples were separated into groups as families. . . The entity [entity, sometimes called soul entity, refers to the soul or spirit, that part of an individual which Cayce said survives death] developed much and gave much to the people who were to succeed in that land, and in the ruins as are found in the mounds and caves in the northwestern portion of New Mexico may be seen some of the drawings the entity made. Some ten million years ago.

(no. 2665-2, July 17, 1925)

“. . The number of human souls then in the earth plane being 133,000,000 . . . the period in the world’s existence from the present time being 10,500,000 years ago. When man came in the earth plane as lord of that in that sphere, man appeared in five places then at once—the five senses, the five reasons, the five spheres, the five developments, the five nations.”

(no. 5748-2, May 28, 1925)

Very few of Cayce’s life readings refer specifically to incarnations in this ancient period.

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Keepers of the Garden II

(Continued from Part I)

The Explorers

AngelicView: The next time Dolores and Phil have a session together, he is on Earth. He is standing amongst trees and next to a spaceship. A “scout craft”. It is round in shape (oval shaped in cross-section). He says that the scout ship reports back to a “mother ship”, which is like the cigar-shaped craft many people have seen in today’s world.



There are three crew members who are in the forest and they are collecting soil and vegetation samples. Then they will take these samples to “the central and super universe, and there they will be considered and analyzed. An adaptability study will be made at that time and a determination as to the appropriateness of the planet, as to supporting life in an animal form.”

So the time frame that we are talking about here is before Earth has animal or human life on it. They are trying to decide if the planet is ready to support animal life. Phil says that “the Hosanna”, or God, is the one that makes the decision.

Phil says that the ships come from “a constellation which is visible to the naked eye, Andromeda.” He goes on to say, “some visitations which are being made on this planet at this time are from this same star point reference.”

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Ancient Mysteries & Dooms Day Theories

Cultural anthropologist and expert in indigenous cultures with degrees from Yale and Harvard, Bill Gladstone talked about being the lead researcher for Rod Serling’s TV special In Search of Ancient Mysteries, as well as discussed America’s fascination with doomsday theories and whether the country was reaching a tipping point in the 2012 aftermath.

While working on the Ancient Mysteries show (which first aired in 1973), he traveled the world and investigated a number of Erich Von Daniken’s claims, which he found to be somewhat exaggerated in certain cases, such as when he was in Cusco, Peru. However, while in Cusco, he learned of an archaeologist who had a collection of skulls from 600-700 years ago which showed evidence of laser surgery.

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Edgar Cayce on Human Origins (Part 2)

(Continued from Part 1)

The Invisible Planetary Afterlife Dimensions of Our Solar System

Planets and solar systems became a temptation to souls. Each solar system had its own course and its own plan. Souls moved toward them through the activity of a constant stream of mind. When a soul leaped into the stream (by immersing itself in the system through which the stream was flowing) it had the force of the current to contend with, and its free will was hampered. It was very easy, under these circumstances, to drift with the current.

Each solar system also represents an opportunity for development, advancement, and growth toward the ideal of complete companionship with God – the position of co-creator in the vast system of universal mind.

Our solar system also attracted souls. Since each solar system is a single expression of the divine, with its planets as integral parts, the Earth came into the path of souls.

Each solar system in the universe is like an atom in a universe of worlds. Atoms have quantum levels for electrons to travel around. The sun has “quantum levels” for planets to travel around. The planets of our solar system are physical representations of heavenly dimensions. These levels as a whole are the consciousness of our solar system. There are nine planetary-afterlife dimensions to the consciousness of our solar system. The planet Earth represents the third dimension where three-dimensional life is experienced in our solar system.

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Formerly Anonymous Whistle-Blower Goes on the Record

AngelicView: This 17 minute video was presented to the retired Congress at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Friday morning (May 3rd).

He is a former high level CIA. He talks about visiting Area 51 and seeing the space ship from the Roswell crash. He participated in an interview of a grey alien being. He also tells about “men in black” who paid him a visit.


CHD organizer Stephen Bassett announced to the ex-congressional panel that a 15-minute video was about to be shown of a 77-year-old man man, in very bad health, who wanted to take the opportunity to reveal a story of what happened to him while he worked for the CIA under Pres. Dwight Eisenhower in 1958.

Bassett: “In a sense, this video represents the many individuals out there who could not come before a committee like this, who want to talk, but it’s difficult. The vast majority of individuals who have interacted with this issue while working for the government, going back to the 40s, took the information that they had to their grave and did not talk if they were told not to talk.

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Dolores Cannon: Aliens and Atlantis


One mystery that has puzzled the minds of men for ages is the existence of the ancient civilization of Atlantis, and any connections it may have had to aliens from other worlds.

Through my decades of work as a hypnotherapist and past life regressionist, I have been told that many people living today were also alive at the time of Atlantis.

Aliens visiting our world in ancient times helped to develop Atlantis and other ancient civilizations with the hope that Earth would become advanced enough to join the galactic community.

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Sistine Chapel Brain Anatomy

At one time or another most of us have seen Michelangelo’s “Creation of Man” panel from the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. When Michelangelo painted the chapel ceiling in 1512 he actually never named the various panels, instead, we of the so called modern age, have given them names. Dr. Frank Lynn Meshberger of St. John’s Medical Center in Anderson, Indiana believes that the famous “creation” panel contains an image that has been misunderstood for 487 years–a brain that symbolizes God bestowing intellect on man. Over the previous half millennium scholars have interpreted the painting to mean God bestowed life on man. Dr. Meshberger however notes Adam’s open eyes and believes this suggests that he’s already alive. Dr. Meshberger researched Michelangelo’s private life and found that the artist had deep religious beliefs and used to dissect cadavers to study the human form for his art. The following drawing illustrate how Dr. Meshberger identifies many of the brain’s structures inthe image of God’s swirling cloak and the surrounding angels.

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2012 The Changing Face of Time

Here is a different kind of video from Dannion Brinkley, in which he does not discuss his NDE’s. Instead, he tells us about his experiences visiting pyramids, and he talks about the Mayan Calendar and what the Mayan told him when he visited them. He discusses Mythology, Quantum Physics, and Ancient Teachings and how they relate to the stories in the Bible. He also talks about the transition of our World and a little bit of Prophecy thrown in.

I enjoyed the video and wish to pass it on to you. The volume is a little bit on the low side so I had to turn it up a bit to hear it well.

Published in May 2012

QHHT: The Shift, Old and New Earth, and More

QHHT: The Shift, Old and New Earth, Light Workers, The U.S. Election, The Creator of the Greater Consciousness, Life After Life, Egypt, ET’s, Atlantis and Multiple Dimensions

Thanks again to Suzanne Spooner of TAUK (The Art of Universal Knowing) and to ReneeHuman

My Kind client, Renee, has given her permission for this portion of her QHHT session to be transcribed and posted. Thank you Renee for your generosity! We wanted to ask about the shift. Her SC was so strong I tried to keep the connection going by continuing to ask questions. We didn’t have a list of questions ready, other than her personal questions which by this point were already answered! We (I) had to wing it! I hope you enjoy. :) ~ Suzanne 

 10/28/2012 QHHT Session with Renee

The Shift

(Suzanne) Renee would like to know what you can share with us about the shift.(Subconscious) Hold on to your hat, it’s going to be a big one! She is ready, she doesn’t know but she’s ready. (Suzanne) Can you tell us about the transition? (SC) It will be a gradual transition, it won’t happen in a split second. But relatively it will be a short time. (Suzanne) Can you give us a linear time frame? (SC) It will happen over a year or two. When you look over the history of the world, that’s a very short period. (Suzanne) What changes should we be aware of? As you are shifting your frequency, you are going to be aware that things are different, things are happening. (Suzanne)  Can you describe how we will feel that? (SC) How you live your life, it’s love, being surrounded by love, it’s an indicator, when you can feel that. You are raising your frequency when you feel love. It will happen in pockets around the world. Some people are ready others are not. The ones that are struggling are not ready to shift. (Suzanne) So, in that shift will the governments be aware of what is going on and come forward with information? How will the general public understand what is taking place? (SC) The governments do not understand it, they are not shifting. It will be through people like you and others. (Suzanne) Light workers? (SC) Yes. (Suzanne) Will the changes effect the weather pattern? (SC) They already are. (Suzanne) Is there anything that we need to do to prepare for that? (SC) Just be prepared, be able to take care of you & your family and those around you. Provide food, shelter. There will be people who are very confused. You may need to be able to protect yourselves from them. I don’t believe in violence but you may find the need to defend yourselves. (Suzanne) So we may find the need to protect ourselves from those who are not ready to shift? (SC) Yes, there will be those who are ready to shift and those who are not.

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The Silent Road (Part 2)

(Continued from Part 1)

AngelicView: In Part 1 we saw that a soldier was killed in a WWI shelling, and wandering around was able to find a man who saw his spirit and was able to communicate with him. The soldier along with another entity they call “the Messenger” wished for their communications to reach the people of Earth. The man to receive their communications is Wellesley. 

Wellesley took down some messages from the soldier and the Messenger and now he is beginning to feel more comfortable with the communications to start asking some questions that come to his mind. Keep in mind, this was in 1917!

20th March 1917, 8 PM

W.T.P. (That’s Wellesley)  Do you really see brighter times ahead for the human race? 

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The Silent Road (Part 1)

AngelicView: I have come across something tonight while researching that I feel is quite fantastic. 

Private Dowding was a soldier who was hit with a shell in WWI and died. After he died he contacted someone on Earth,  Wellesley Tudor Pole, with messages for Humanity. Here is how Wellesley said the messages came to him:

  On Monday, 12th March 1917, I was walking by the sea when I felt the presence of someone. I looked round, no one was in sight. All that day I felt as if someone were following me, trying to reach my thoughts. Suddenly I said to myself, ‘It is a soldier. He has been killed in battle and wants to communicate.’

That evening I happened to call upon a lady who possesses some degree of clairvoyant power. I had forgotten about the soldier, until she described a man dressed in khaki, sitting in a chair near me. He was gazing intently in my direction. She said he was mature, wore a small moustache, and seemed somewhat sad. Not a very intelligent character apparently, but an honest one. I came home and sat down at my writing-table. Immediately my pen moved. Did I move it? Yes, in an involuntary sort of way. the thoughts were not my own, the language was a little unusual. Ideas were mainly conveyed in short simple phrases. It would really seem as if some intelligence outside myself were speaking through my mind and my pen. 

Some of the ideas are not in conformity with preconceived notions of my own.

The messages I received in this manner from ‘Thomas Dowding,” recluse, schoolmaster, soldier, are set down exactly as they reached me.

I will post some excerpts here for you.

16th March 1917, 5 PM

The spiritual world is everywhere. The life of spirit is eternal, perfect, supreme. We humans hide from the light. We grovel among the illusions created by our thoughts. We surround ourselves with misconceptions. We refuse to rise into the Christ Sphere. The Christ Sphere is everywhere, and yet, by some strange paradox, we were able to shut it out from view. 

All these thoughts were new to me. I begin to see what is meant. If I did not do so, I could not pass the ideas on. What a little world I have been living in! This Messenger evidently came from the Christ Sphere.

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The Great Year

Thanks to in5d

The Great Year is a compelling documentary that explores the possibility that the fall of ancient civilizations around the globe, and the rise of modern civilization, might be related to our Sun’s motion around a companion star. The film examines evidence that ancient civilizations may have known of this celestial cycle and that our Sun may indeed display the characteristics of binary motion.

Just as the Earth’s spin on its axis causes day and night and our planet’s annual orbit around the Sun is responsible for the ongoing cycle of the seasons, what if there is some greater celestial cycle, lasting thousands of years, slowly influencing the rise and fall of civilization across the globe? Where is the evidence? What could be the cause?

To many ancient cultures, the answers lie in the stars. In their view, time and civilization did not progress ever forward in a strict linear path, but moved in a cyclical pattern, with human civilization and consciousness rising and falling as great ages came and went. To the ancient Mayans, we are entering the time of the Fifth Sun; Hindu and Vedic scholars spoke of the Yuga Cycle a great circular progression of ages; and in ancient Greece, Plato taught of a large cycle of time which would slowly return us to a “Golden Age”. He called this cycle: The Great Year.

The Great Year investigates the common thread in these beliefs and looks back into time seeking answers to the questions that still loom over science today. How far back into history do humankind’s roots really go? What did the ancients know about the stars and their movements and what can we learn from them? Why was the “Precession of the Equinox” universally revered? Many of these cultures spoke of an unseen sun that drives this movement of the stars across the sky over thousands of years and causes great ages to rise and fall. Could there be an unseen binary partner to our Sun? The Great Year examines this theory and finds growing scientific evidence to support it.

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The Sailing Stones of Egypt

Thanks to Here and Now

The Sailing Stones of Egypt, Oct 18th in Ancient Mysteries by 

Beyond any shadow of doubt, of the many and varied architectural achievements of the Human Race, the pyramids of Egypt must surely top the list in terms of provoking deep awe and amazement. And a great deal of unbridled controversy and debate, too. Conventional Egyptology suggests that the pyramids were built during what are today termed the Old and Middle Kingdoms of Egypt. That’s to say from around the third millennium BC to roughly 1650 BC. The reason for their construction: Almost certainly to act as tombs for the pharaohs, so convention tells us. Convention also tells us the pyramids were built by sheer brute-force, man-power and technology of a very down to earth nature. But is that really the case?

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The Secret Knowledge of the Sphinx

AngelicView: Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy is a Hypnosis Technique perfected by (and taught by) Dolores Cannon in which she takes people back to past lives, and then talks to the “subconscious” of the person (or in my terms, the “higher self” or “Spirit”).
In this group of two article reprints, my friend and fellow Lightworker, Suzanne Spooner, of TAUK (The Art of Universal Knowing) has shared her session with her friend, Susan.
As an aside, get ready, because I plan to share much of Dolores Cannon’s work in the very near future. I have read several of her books and I believe they are fascinating and worth the read.

First Session ↓

A QHHT Session With Susan: The Life Of Hirsim, A Man In Ancient Egypt And The Secret Knowledge Of The Sphinx, The Library And The Five High Priests

During a QHHT session on August 11th, 2012 I took my friend, Susan Thomas, back to a life in Ancient Egypt. She was a young man named Hirsim. As the conversation continued, he explained how he had access to secret rooms and knowledge within The Sphinx. He explained, as we took him to later times in that life how his job had become an overseer to a library where he and others copied books and stored these copies in a secret chamber. He also began a conversation about five High Priests who had unusual gifts. His purpose in this life seems to be a keeper of the knowledge. Here is that first session with Hirsim. 

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James Churchward: 1931 Lecture Part II

The follow-up from Part I. It is much shorter.

(It’s Part III in his Lecture but on this blog it’s Part II. I don’t mean to be confusing here 😉  )


Part 3


During the 7 years while I had the great privilege of being the only pupil of the greatest Master who has lived for the last 1900 years (and yet he was unknown to the world generally) he would gladly and willingly explain to me the laws behind the various phenomena that we call “mystic” or “cosmic.” But I could never induce him to teach me how to perform any of the bigger tasks along certain lines.


Whenever I appealed to him to do so, he would invariably answer:

“My son, I am teaching you how to understand the ancient history of man. I cannot go beyond that, with you, for you have not been pre pared for it.”

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James Churchward 1931 Lecture Part I

AngelicView: In my surfing of the World Wide Web tonight, I have come across this amazing Lecture given by James Churchward in 1931 in Mount Vernon, New York.

What he has here… is truth. It is pretty long so I’m going to split it up into two parts. It is definitely worth the read if you’re interested in Spirituality. 

Part 1


There is a widespread legend which has been handed down for many thousands of years which is called The Golden Age. This is said to have been some period in human history when the mass of mankind showed more intelligence than now. This evening I am going to give you some of the translations from Books written during this Golden Age. These show that those who lived then were absolutely superior to us in sciences; and, although our scientists scoff at such an idea, and declare the whole thing mythical, the truth and facts remain.

As the Phoenix is pictured rising above the flames of fire; so these cosmic truths will rise above the scoffing ignorants of today.

I do not know on what definite lines your Society is working, or how far you have advanced. It is quite questionable whether I know enough about the subject to be of any value to you. All I can do for you is to repeat certain conversations that took place many years ago between a very learned rishi priest and myself. This priest was a great Master, the most proficient master that has lived since the time of Jesus.

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Conclusion: “The Hollow Earth”

AngelicView: This is the Conclusion of a book entitled, “The Hollow Earth”, written by Dr. R. W. Bernard, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.

I enjoyed reading this Conclusion Chapter of the book but I don’t have time to read the entire book. So what I’ll do here is to paste this conclusion chapter here and then link to the book, which is on the internet.

Conclusion: “The Hollow Earth”

From the evidence contained in this book, confirmed by many Arctic explorers whom we cite, we come to the following conclusions:

1. There is really no North or South Pole. Where they are supposed to exist there are really wide openings to the hollow interior of the Earth.

2. Flying saucers come from the hollow interior of the Earth through these polar openings.

3. The hollow interior of the earth, warmed by its central sun (the source of Aurora Borealis) has an ideal subtropical climate of about 76 degrees in temperature, neither too hot nor too cold.

4. Arctic explorers found the temperature to rise as they traveled far north; they found more open seas; they found animals traveling north in winter, seeking food and warmth, when they should have gone south; they found the compass needle to assume a vertical position instead of a horizontal one and to become extremely eccentric; they saw tropical birds and more animal life the further north they went; they saw butterflies, mosquitoes and other insects in the extreme north, when they were not found until one is as far south as Alaska and Canada; they found the snow discolored by colored pollen and black dust, which became worse the further north they went. The only explanation is that this dust came from active volcanoes in the polar opening.

5. There is a large population inhabiting the inner concave surface of the Earth’s crust, composing a civilization far in advance of our own in its scientific achievements, which probably descended from the sunken continents of Lemuria and Atlantis. Flying saucers are only one of their many achievements. It would be to our advantage to contact these Elder Brothers of the human race, learn from them and receive their advice and aid.

6. The existence of a polar opening and land beyond the Poles is probably known to the U.S. Navy in whose employ Admiral Byrd made his two historic flights and which is probably a top international secret.

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Possible Legendary Archaeological Find

*Please see Update below the article*
Legendary Metal Library Found in Tayos Cave in Ecuador
 A team of explorers is claiming that they have found the legendary metal library and various other treaures and ancient objects in the Tayos Cave system in Ecuador.

In what maybe one of the biggest discoveries ever, a team of explorers is claiming that they have found the legendary golden library and other mysterious treasures in the Tayos Cave system in Ecuador.  The team announced that they accidentally found some hidden tunnels that were obviously dug out artificially sometime in the ancient past while inside one of the main chambers.  The team was able to follow one of these tunnels for approximately ½ mile and came upon a large room containing the golden library and various other treasures.  Below is a list of what the explorers claim to have found in this chamber:

  1. A library with thousands of metal books.  The team was unable to specify what metal the books were made of but the look was similar to silver.  Each page had symbols and strange writing on them.
  2. Individual plates with writing on them and strange symbols that looked to be made of gold.
  3. At least several hundred statues of insects, animals and humans spread throughout the large chamber.
  4. Lots of metal bars thought to be both gold and/or silver.  Also found were various children’s toys and jewelry items made from gold or silver.
  5. One large sarcophagus containing one human skeleton decorated with jewels and golden jewelry.
  6. The team also found at least three doors that could be more tombs but were sealed completely shut.


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The Stargate of Atlantis III

(Continued from Part II)


It is said that once Buddha achieved enlightenment he placed a victory banner on the summit of Mt. Meru, symbolizing his victory over the entire universe. Again, Mount Meru here is believed to be the central axis supporting the world.

The flag of victory also denotes Buddha’s triumph over Mara, who personifies hindrances on the path to spiritual realization. Specifically, there are said to be four types of Maras, each one representing an individual hurdle on the path to spiritual progress.

These are:

1). The Mara of Emotional Defilement

2). Mara of Passion

3). Mara of the Fear of Death

4). Mara of Pride and Lust!

It was only after conquering these four negative traits that Buddha could proclaim victory over ignorance, and achieve nirvana.
Here, it is worth a brief diversion to note that in calling Jesus ‘the Way’ the early Christians were following in the footsteps of the Buddhists. Just as converts to Christianity living long after the fact altered the images of Jesus, a similar artistic make-
over was applied to Buddha. Early Buddhist art consisted of symbolic representations of Buddha.

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The Stargate of Atlantis I

AngelicView: This is an incredibly fascinating article – but long. So I’m going to split it up into parts.

The Stargate of Atlantis

by William Henry




The British historian and novelist H.G.Wells put it best when he once observed,

“There is magic in names and the mightiest among these words of magic is Atlantis… it is as if this vision of a lost culture touched the most hidden thought of our soul.”

Of course, by far the most illustrious of all the voices in the Atlantis choir was Plato (c. 427-347 BC) who, repeating the story of his cousin’s excursion into Egypt, reintroduced the epic story of Atlantis to the collective human imagination. He is the father of ‘Atlantology’.

According to Manly P. HallPlato, whose real name was Aristocles, was initiated in the mysteries in Egypt at the age of 49. His tale of Atlantis appears in Timaeus, in which Critias tells Socrates how, visiting the Egyptian capital Plato’s ancestor Solon (c. 640BC) was told by a priest:

“Oh, Solon, Solon, you Greeks are all children, and there is no such thing as an old Greek. … You are all young in mind; you have no belief rooted in old tradition and no knowledge hoary with age. … In our temples we have preserved from earliest times a written record of any great or splendid achievement or notable event which has come to our ears, whether it occurred in your part of the world or here or anywhere else; whereas with you and others, writing and the other necessities of civilization have only just been developed when the periodic scourge of the deluge descends, and spares none but the unlettered and uncultured, so that you have to begin again like children, in complete ignorance of what happened in our part of the world or in yours in early times. So these genealogies of your own people which you were just recounting are little more than children’s stories. … The age of our institutions is given in our sacred records as eight thousand years ……”

from ‘Prolegomenon To Amenemope’

Plato, who is considered one of the world’s greatest scholars, left little room to doubt that he subscribed wholeheartedly to the historicity of Atlantis and repeated cataclysms.

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Tolec: Migration Story

Migration Story of the Dakote People to Planet Earth


This is not a new Tolec. It is from January 2012. However, you may like to watch it if you missed it before.

Video Description: This is the migration story of the People of planet Dakote from the Taygeta star system in the Pleiades, approximately 100,000 years ago, to Ina Maka / Unci Maka, Mother Earth. It is the story of their arrival on Earth, the story of who they interacted with & why, who they helped, what their contributions were… and what their lives were like. It is also the story of their own journey some 50,000 years later to Grandmother Turtle Island… evolving into the Dakota, Lakota & Nakota People. This is our origin & heritage story. 

Embedding was disabled, so if you’d like to watch it here is the link to the You Tube video  😉