
Caravan to Midnight – “The ‘Greater’ Bosnian Pyramids

Bosnian Pyramid

AngelicView: John B. Wells says that the pyramids at Giza are ‘great’, but the pyramids at Bosnia are ‘greater’. What? You didn’t know there were pyramids in Bosnia that are bigger and older than the Great Pyramids at Giza? Well, hang on for an interesting discussion then!

John B. Wells starts with commentary on news stories, and while that was interesting to listen to and does pertain to the discussion of the pyramids, I don’t think it’s imperative to listen to that part if you want to get right to the meat. Here are some notes that I took:

♦ These are the largest pyramids on the planet (discovered in 2005 by Dr. Sam Osmanagich, who is the person in this interview).

♦ Their true North orientation is more precise than the Pyramids at Giza.

♦ 3-4 feet under the soil, there are concrete blocks that are better quality than the concrete blocks we can make today.

♦ They are approximately 34,000 years old. (Older than the Great Pyramids at Giza.)

♦ There is a huge underground network with tunnels, chambers, lakes, and huge ceramic blocks weighing in the tens of tons displaying a very developed technological culture.

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“The Pyramid Code”… and more!


AngelicView: For as long as I can remember – from the first moment I heard of the Great Pyramids, I have always been completely fascinated with them. “The Pyramid Code” was a 2009 documentary that took a much less mainstream scientific view of the pyramids – the building of them and what they’re for. It’s been a couple of years since I have last seen The Pyramid Code, and I think if I have the time I’d love to watch it all again.

Just the other day, Jimmy Church had as his guest on his radio show “Fade to Black” the scientist behind The Pyramid Code. And let me tell you, I was captivated by this behind-the-scenes interview from start to finish! Sit back and enjoy the full interview, or if you don’t have the time for that I’d really like you to hear what she says about her visit to Russia – and what she says about Vladimir Putin – at about the hour and a half mark (1 hour and 27 minutes).

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Courtney Brown’s Announcement: The Giza Pyramids


AngelicView:  I’m watching this – and getting it right out to you – all at the same time. See how I can multi-task?  🙂

“There are three components to this announcement, arguably the most important announcement in recent years. The first is called Farsight Planet 2014, and it is found in a video just released on YouTube. It is also found on the home page of The Farsight Institute.” ~Courtney Brown

The Great Pyramid of Giza, sometimes called the Pyramid of Khufu, or the Cheops Pyramid, is truly one of the most amazing mysteries on Earth. This is the definitive breakthrough study of how it was built. It is huge, and it was built with gigantic stone blocks that seem nearly impossible to cut, transport, and assemble even today on such a massive scale as must have occurred long ago when this pyramid was originally constructed. Until now, no one on Earth really knew how these big structures were assembled, at a time when tools were rudimentary, camels and wooden or reed boats were the primary forms of transportation, and manual labor was the only means available to construct anything.

This is a breakthrough scientific study that combines the use of remote viewing on an unprecedented scale to solve the mystery of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Remote viewing is a mental procedure that was originally developed by the United States military and used for espionage purposes. Now, civilians employ the same methods, or procedures that are derivative of those methodologies, to study human history. In a project completed at The Farsight Institute using remote-viewing data collected by two of the most accomplished “military grade” remote viewers of the day, the true story of how the Great Pyramid of Giza was actually constructed using a combination of exotic advanced technology and brutal manual labor can finally be told.

Very little of what most people learned in school about the origins of the Great Pyramid of Giza is correct. Our civilization needs to uncover its true history without bias and with an open mind. Now is not the time to censor new knowledge. Now is the time to face our past. Farsight Press

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Graham Hancock: Magicians of the Gods


“We’re up against the world’s belief because once you start saying that sites are this old, then the whole story of history has to be reconsidered and whole careers go down the tubes and a vast investment in an understanding of our past that mainstream history and archaeology has put together over the last 100 years is just ‘up for grabs’ completely and you can’t expect to get away with that without a great deal of difficulty and trouble.” ~Graham Hancock

AngelicView: This is the newest, latest information on megalithic sites from Graham Hancock. The speech was done in December of 2013 at a university called “Greensboro”. I have made some notes about what you can expect to hear about in this presentation:

  • The Great Pyramids of Giza
  • The Great Sphinx
  • Angkor Temples
  • Hoover Dam
  • Temples of Seti the 1st in Egypt
  • Gobekli Tepi
  • Maltese Temples
  • Ancient Maps including information on the Bimini Road and Hy-Brasil (and more)
  • Gunung Padang
  • Megaliths off the coast of Japan
  • Megaliths off the coast of Okinawa
  • Easter Island
  • Bolivia: Tiahuanaco (Step Pyramid in the Andes)
  • Comet that hit America 12,980 years ago
  • “Man-bags” and Megaliths

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Edgar Cayce on The Lost Hall of Records


AngelicView: Three short videos way down there ↓

By John VanAuken, A.R.E. (Association for Research and Enlightenment)

The Lost Hall of Records

One of the most interesting pieces of information to come through Edgar Cayce’s visions is the existence of an ancient Hall of Records. In this Hall are stored the records of a prehistoric descent into matter of the souls who inhabit the Earth today. The records record millions of years of activity in the mythological lands of Mu, Lemuria, Atlantis, Og, Oz, Zu, and others. Actually, Cayce says there are three Halls. One is under the waters near the Bahamian island of Bimini, another is underground near the Sphinx in Giza, Egypt, and the one we are most interested in is beneath a temple in the Mayan lands. The records in this temple are “overshadowed” by another temple that “overhangs” or is built over it. But Cayce says that the Record Hall will “rise again.” He says the records are in the remains of “the temple by Iltar.” Iltar, according to Cayce, was a high priest migrating with his people from the legendary lands of Atlantis to the new “Aryan or Yucatan land” and there built this temple of records.

Records in the waters off Bimini Island in the Bahamas are in a submerged temple, but Cayce says this temple also “will rise and is rising again.” These records are in the temple of “Atlan.” Like Iltar, Atlan was a high priest who attempted to preserve the records of Atlantis, but his temple sunk during a series of earthquakes that destroyed Atlantis.

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Mysteries of Ancient Egypt


Skip to 1 hour and 19 minutes for this discussion.

Engineer and rogue Egyptologist Robert Bauval discussed his extensive research on the mysteries of the Giza Pyramids, and ancient Egypt. We should look outside the box of conventional Egyptology when studying monuments such as the Great Pyramid– rather than seeing it as a tomb, “what if this site is in fact some sort of invitation for the human race to start looking into a direction which scientists and Egyptologists in particular, have felt very uncomfortable to look at?” he pondered.

The Valley Temples or mortuaries at the Giza complex also puzzle Bauval, in that they are composed of 50-100 ton blocks that are much larger than they need to be, and show signs of age and erosion that indicate they are older than the Pyramids, possibly dating to the time that the Sphinx points to– 10,500 BC.

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QHHT: The Shift, Old and New Earth, and More

QHHT: The Shift, Old and New Earth, Light Workers, The U.S. Election, The Creator of the Greater Consciousness, Life After Life, Egypt, ET’s, Atlantis and Multiple Dimensions

Thanks again to Suzanne Spooner of TAUK (The Art of Universal Knowing) and to ReneeHuman

My Kind client, Renee, has given her permission for this portion of her QHHT session to be transcribed and posted. Thank you Renee for your generosity! We wanted to ask about the shift. Her SC was so strong I tried to keep the connection going by continuing to ask questions. We didn’t have a list of questions ready, other than her personal questions which by this point were already answered! We (I) had to wing it! I hope you enjoy. :) ~ Suzanne 

 10/28/2012 QHHT Session with Renee

The Shift

(Suzanne) Renee would like to know what you can share with us about the shift.(Subconscious) Hold on to your hat, it’s going to be a big one! She is ready, she doesn’t know but she’s ready. (Suzanne) Can you tell us about the transition? (SC) It will be a gradual transition, it won’t happen in a split second. But relatively it will be a short time. (Suzanne) Can you give us a linear time frame? (SC) It will happen over a year or two. When you look over the history of the world, that’s a very short period. (Suzanne) What changes should we be aware of? As you are shifting your frequency, you are going to be aware that things are different, things are happening. (Suzanne)  Can you describe how we will feel that? (SC) How you live your life, it’s love, being surrounded by love, it’s an indicator, when you can feel that. You are raising your frequency when you feel love. It will happen in pockets around the world. Some people are ready others are not. The ones that are struggling are not ready to shift. (Suzanne) So, in that shift will the governments be aware of what is going on and come forward with information? How will the general public understand what is taking place? (SC) The governments do not understand it, they are not shifting. It will be through people like you and others. (Suzanne) Light workers? (SC) Yes. (Suzanne) Will the changes effect the weather pattern? (SC) They already are. (Suzanne) Is there anything that we need to do to prepare for that? (SC) Just be prepared, be able to take care of you & your family and those around you. Provide food, shelter. There will be people who are very confused. You may need to be able to protect yourselves from them. I don’t believe in violence but you may find the need to defend yourselves. (Suzanne) So we may find the need to protect ourselves from those who are not ready to shift? (SC) Yes, there will be those who are ready to shift and those who are not.

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Ancient Cities Under the Sands of Giza

Ancient Cities Under the Sands of Giza

By Tony Bushby


“the Giza-plateau and old Cairo are crisscrossed with subterranean passageways, shafts, natural caverns, lakes and chambers that contain surprising artifacts, but Egyptian authorities are not ready to reveal these to the public”

To comprehend fully the secret information in the Bible, it is important to understand the extent of the subterranean tunnel system and associated chamber facilities existing below the surface of the Pyramid Plateau, for it was there that
major elements of Mystery School teachings developed. What happened under the sands thousands of years ago is not reflected in today’s history books, and discoveries made in the last eight decades or so verify that point. 

The Fayum Oasis district, just a few kilometers outside the boundary of the Memphis Nome, presents a site of unusual interest. It was in that lush, fertile valley that Pharaohs calling themselves the “masters of the royal hunts” fished and hunted with the boomerang (1)Lake Moeris once bordered the Fayum Oasis and on its shores was the famous Labyrinth, described by Herodotus as “an endless wonder to me”.

The Labyrinth contained 1500 rooms and an equal number of underground chambers that the Greek historian was not permitted to inspect, according to Labyrinth priests, “the passages were baffling and intricate”, designed to provide safety for the numerous scrolls they said were hidden in subterranean apartments.

That massive complex particularly impressed Herodotus and he spoke in awe of the structure:

There I saw twelve palaces regularly disposed, which had communication with each other, interspersed with terraces and arranged around twelve halls. It is hard to believe they are the work of man, The walls are covered with carved figures, and each court is exquisitely built of white marble and surrounded by a colonnade. Near the corner where the labyrinth ends, there is a pyramid, two hundred and forty feet in height, with great carved figures of animals on it and an underground passage by which it can be entered. I was told very credibly that underground chambers and passages connected this pyramid with the pyramids at Memphis.

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Egyptian Pyramids

AngelicView: I have something for you today that I consider very special. It is a personal story from a fellow lightworker named Yvonne of her visit to the Great Pyramid at Giza. Yvonne is a very intuitive person and I regard her story highly. Yvonne, thank you for sharing your story with us!

I didn’t know it at the time, but while I was inside, it was as if someone or something gave me a hard ‘pat’ on the back and I became ‘activated.’ I was lightly awake before, but I went into zoom mode and I was never the same ever again. This after spending about 40 minutes inside the King’s Chamber.

A pyramid guard asked me and my husband if we would like to spend the night inside and I turned him down. I was not about to spend the night inside the King’s Chamber with no lighting, a bat or two, no toilet and locked in until early morning…… Not I !! I can only imagine what might have happened to my body if I did. It’s been written that people have spent the night inside and almost lost their sanity.

The man whom I went to Egypt with personally spent about 25 nights inside and he told us you could hear sounds, as if doors were opening.

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