Tag Archive | ancient egyptian hieroglyphs

Atlantis Was My Home

AngelicView: Some people seem to have memories of past lives. Sometimes it takes regressive hypnosis sessions and other times they just seem to remember. This story, in particular, really caught my attention because he is speaking of the Legendary Atlantis. Thanks to John, for sharing with us.

In Atlantis, I was at a place where I really felt I was at home. I had friends & people I could trust in and support me in anything in life. The life in Atlantis was based on spiritual respect and unconditional love. People lived in accordance with the Law of OneCityOfAncients in the brotherhood and sisterhood of Atlantis that had respect, honour and loyalty to one another. In this life I see myself as a healer and teacher. I had many additional gifts within my DNA.

Love and compassionate divinity was one of my gifts in that life when I fell in love. Love was free, flawless and given without judgment. unlike the people of today. Although people were genetically created to look perfect and look beautiful on a physical level, real beauty for me lay at a personality and an emotional level.

I had my own temple home where I lived; it was made out of white marble & light blue granite, the front of temple had support columns that were large, wide and very tall. The temples looked like Ancient Greek & Egyptian style in construction but more creative in science and colour. Each column had inscriptions of the Atlantean language, which was complex and a lot like the Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.

The Atlantean hieroglyphs were cryptic, they had riddles and real stories but they basically had 3 forms of written languages, one was similar to Phoenician, the other Runic, the third was a lot like ancient Sumerian, the hieroglyphic language they possessed was a lot like the Egyptian one, but with many differences.

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