
F*ck The Law of Attraction – Teal


AngelicView: I am posting this in the video and the written form. I’ll post the written form first and the video down below for those who would like to watch/listen.

There is a lot of internet discussion going on about this video by Teal Swan.

She says that the Law of Attraction is real – but there’s more to it then people realize.

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Teal: How Can I Help Reduce Suffering on This Planet?

By Teal

When we look at something across the world that causes suffering or when we look at something in someone else’s life that causes them to suffer, we feel powerless. Being empathetic, we want desperately to do something to improve the situation. But we don’t know how. The most crucial thing for us to understand is that we will never feel good about the world we live in, or about ourselves until we stop addressing suffering in terms of specific, isolated incidents. We will only reduce suffering if we treat suffering on this planet as a whole.

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Marijuana and Spirituality (Does Pot/Weed/Cannabis Enhance Spirituality?)

By Teal

Pot, otherwise known as cannabis or marijuana, is considered a spiritual medicine and has been used asTealScott such since 2000 BC because it is a psychoactive drug. Pot is considered psychoactive because it can alter one’s state of consciousness. Altering one’s consciousness helps them to break free of illusion and the restriction of limited perception.

The number one benefit of cannabis is that it helps people to release resistance. By affecting the brain like it does, it inhibits the brain from focusing on and translating the resistant, stressful thoughts that cause a negative emotional response within the body. This is why it is so effective at reducing stress. And this is also why it is so effective for the use of pain management. Pain is a symptom of resistance. By causing a person to release resistance and “flow downstream with life” a person is free to be who they really are. More of their true essence is present in the absence of resistance and this is why people often undergo such intense spiritual experiences while under the influence of cannabis. But this is also why it is used recreationally.

If a person tries to escape their resistance by using a tool like cannabis, they have learned nothing but to be dependent on the tool. They may have increased their awareness of what is beyond this dimension, but they have not learned anything about how to access states of consciousness beyond the 3-D consciousness on their own, without the use of an external substance/tool. In essence, they have become powerlessly dependent.

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Teal: Why are Spiritual Teachers so Contradictory?

If you have spent any time exploring the world of spirituality or self-help, you have most likely discovered that spiritual teachings and spiritual teachers themselves can be frustrating because they present such contradictory teachings.
Spiritual teachings are contradictory because spiritual teachings must take into account a multi dimensional universe. The rules change on each dimension. What is true for one dimension is not necessarily true for the next.
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If We Create Our Own Reality, How Do You Explain Suffering?

By Teal Scott

TealScott2Suffering is the biggest issue for those of us who are trying to align with the spiritual truth of  “you create your own reality” and “the purpose of your life is joy”. And who blames us? Who the hell could say that the child who was kidnapped and raped created their own reality and live with themselves? How could we say that life is about joy when people are losing their loved ones to cancer or war?

Our entire reality is being arranged around us like a 360 degree mirror reflection of our thoughts. Our senses perceive this reflection and translate it into a physical experience for us. And so, you can think of it like a learning hologram. When we are born, we know we create our own reality by virtue of what we are paying attention to. This is why it is so easy for babies to ignore you. But pretty soon, we get more flack for ignoring things we do not want to pay attention to than we do for paying attention to them, and the minute we pay attention to them, they begin to manifest in our reality. And we feel like victims. We forget that we create our own reality. 

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Teal Scott: How Can It Be?

AngelicView: Yes! Yes! Yes! And Yes!  (Okay, I’ll calm down now). Many thanks to Teal Scott for this wonderful article. 🙂



How can spiritual teachers say that everything (even our deepest pain) comes to bless us? Why do we worry if we know it creates bad things for us? And how can it be that spiritual teachers can simultaneously say that we are all one, while at the same time saying that we create our own individual realities where no one can impose themselves upon us? It is because of how the physical dimension was designed!
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Understanding Autism

By Teal Scott

For thousands of years the human species has been left brain oriented. This is a term to describe the state of being limited to awareness only of the physical dimension. This left-brain orientation significantly reduced our ability to connect to source. TealScott

But for many years the desire for re-connection has been a collective desire within the human species. And so, some beings choose to come in and NOT activate the genes that cause us to phase completely with the physical dimension. Autistic people are not completely phased with the physical dimension. We can compare this to having one foot in physical reality and one foot out of physical reality.

Autism is always the result of the same thing, which is: Improper phasing with the physical dimension. But a great many things can trigger autism. In the future we will find that even environmental factors such as vaccines, pollutants and pesticides can trigger autism. These environmental factors destroy brain cells. 

In the first two years of life, myelin (which protects and isolates brain neurons) has not finished growing. This allows bacterial toxins, metal toxins, chemical toxins and other environmental toxins to reach and destroy the budding dendrites and axons; sometimes to the point that they do not grow back. The destruction of these neurons in the brain makes it so that the consciousness of the child cannot properly phase with the physical dimension through the intermediary device that we call “the brain”.
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How to Access The Akashic Records


AngelicView: I found this information on the Akashic Records very interesting. If you would like to learn more about the Akashic Records from Chris Thomas, click here and here. These videos I’m presenting to you today are by Teal Scott.

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Do People Who Commit Suicide Go to Hell?

AngelicView: Related article: “Does “Hell” Really Exist?

By Teal Scott

In this episode of Ask Teal, the topic addressed is: Suicide.TealScott2

In this episode, Teal explains that suicide is a topic which has been shrouded in stigma for hundreds of years. In our society today, suicide has become taboo because it is so tightly interwoven with the concept of sin. Teal explains how the concept of suicide as a sin originated and then goes on to say that those who commit suicide DO NOT go to hell. Suicide is the byproduct of the feeling of total powerlessness. It occurs when someone has focused negatively for so long or with such intensity, that they become cut off from the natural stream of well being which created their life in the first place (their higher self). Teal explains that suicide could be accurately seen as pushing a re-set button. It is not a decision which is good or bad in and of it’s self. Source (that which is often called God) does not condemn nor condone the decision. And nor should we…We can not say that suicide is wrong without also saying that death is wrong.

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The Fastest Way to Find Happiness

By Teal Scott

The end of your suffering is accomplished by questioning your thoughts. When the mind is happy, the reality we are living is happy. Happiness is all we can project when we set ourselves free from painful thoughts. Because, happiness is all that remains.

The fastest way to find happiness is to alter your thoughts so that they feel good to think. Your life is nothing more than the byproduct of your thoughts. Your experience is nothing more than the result of your beliefs. If you want an enjoyable experience, the answer is to choose enjoyable thoughts and beliefs.

The end of your suffering is accomplished by questioning your thoughts. I can tell you personally that it is not the experience that is in and of itself painful, it is the thoughts you’re thinking about the experiences you are having that make them painful. If you change the way you think about them, their meaning changes and they will cease to be painful.
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Why Don’t We Remember our Past Lives?

By Teal Scott

We are eternal. This means we have been projecting forth into physical lives and withdrawing from them over and over and over again. You are the culmination of every life you have ever lived. When you die, you line up with everything that life has caused TealScott2you to desire. That is pure positive energy. Which means that you don’t drag baggage with you. You may choose to “opt” into new contrast though based on a past life you have lived.

Your eternal aspect is not oriented towards the past; it is always using the past as a platform for what is to come. We are always oriented towards the expansion the improvement. When you come into a new life, you close your eyes to the past, in order to open them to a new existence. The benefit of a new life is a new perspective… other than a perspective that is an accumulation of every other life as well. That would be like trying to listen to a billion channels on a radio at the same time. Our eternal being (often called a soul) manages to be all these channels at once. Which is why you can see your past lives when you withdraw your focus and re-align with your eternal consciousness like when the Buddha was meditating under the Bodhi tree. 

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Is Being Gay a Choice?

By Teal Scott

TealScottIs being gay or lesbian a choice? The answer is yes. But its often a choice you make prior to coming to this planet, just as it was your choice to have green eyes or brown hair.

Gender is an expression of Source energy just like any other choice that is part of physical manifestation (such as brown hair or green eyes). It is a perspective. If one “opts” into one gender or another that comes with its own additives to perspective. Especially when society has its own ideas of what gender means.

Gender does not matter beyond the physical. It is merely contrast to aid with perspective. The source self is without gender, rather the source self chose to temporarily explore the perspective of the polarity of one gender or another. Many of the most advanced beings in this universe are without gender because they have transcended their own polarity meaning that balance is found within and not externally through the combining of polar energies like male/female or yin/yang.
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How Do Babies See the World?

By Teal Scott

TealScottThere are always variables for how anything perceives. Babies are no different. But for the sake of understanding, think of coming into this life, as opting into a “video game program”. At first, you are not fully integrated. Neither are your senses. You have to acclimate to it. The perspective you hold is still much more the perspective of your eternal self. You have not fully forgotten who you really are. You have still not forgotten that your experience is coming in response to what you give your attention to. This is why babies are so good (especially until they are about two) at ignoring things that they do not want to pay attention to. Gradually, your attention gets trained. You learn to focus on things your parents want you to focus on whether or not they make you feel good to focus on. And you go deeper into the program.
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