Tag Archive | Anita Moorjani

Quotes from Anita Moorjani, “Dying to be Me”

Anita Moorjani

Anita Moorjani

AngelicView: If you’re not familiar with Anita Moorjani’s book, “Dying to be Me”, you can read the bulk of her story here on AngelicView. Here is a brief run-down of what happened:

In February of 2006, Anita Moorjani was on her deathbed. Having suffered from cancer for several years, she was in a coma with malignant tumours throughout her body. Doctors told her husband and mother that she had only hours to live. After 30 hours of coma, Anita emerged from an out-of-body experience in which she felt she had experienced the afterlife and gained a new understanding of what it means to be human. Medical records show that Anita was miraculously found cancer free within three weeks of this experience.

AV: I just wanted to share some life-changing quotes with you that I found on GoodReads.

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Spontaneous Evolution Panel: Eben and Anita


AngelicView: This is the audience Q&A portion of a presentation by Dr. Eben Alexander (“The Deepest Realms of Super-Physical Existence” and “Neurosurgeon and NDE Researcher“) and Anita Moorjani (“Dying to Be Me“) and includes their answers to questions regarding our current state of human evolution, and how they see it from their own experiential viewpoints.

I was unable to embed the video here, so if you are interested in watching, please click the link below. Thanks 🙂


Dying to Be Me (Part 3)

AngelicView: Part 3 of “Dying to Be Me” is an interview with Anita Moorjani by Bob Olson from Afterlife TV. Her NDE is one of the most profound that has been shared on the web. Her NDE can be read on AngelicView here: “Dying to Be Me (Part 1)” and a Q&A Interview from NDERF can be read on AngelicView here: “Dying to Be Me (Part 2)“.

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Dying to be Me (Part 1)


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AngelicView: I just did a search on this blog and I can’t believe I haven’t posted Anita M’s NDE yet! I sincerely hope she doesn’t take any offense! 

I am going to post on the some parts of the NDE itself, and then go into the interview that was done. She has some great viewpoints that I’d like to get out there. I will break it up into two parts, so that those who are already familiar with her NDE can skip right to the interview.

Anita says this of her illness:  I had cancer (Hodgkin’s Lymphoma), and on this morning, I could not move.  My husband rushed me to hospital, where, after doing scans, they diagnosed me with grade 4B lymphoma (the highest grade).  The senior oncologist looked at my report and told my husband that it was too late, and that my organs were now shutting down.  I only had 36 hours to live.”

By the way, Anita is still alive today, so we also know that there was a miraculous healing involved. Below is an excerpt from the NDE:

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