Tag Archive | Megastructure

Michio Kaku on the Massive Mega Structure Found in Space


AngelicView: I think this is big – coming from Dr. Michio Kaku – on the subject of the giant “alien” (I use that term loosely) megastructure found in space between the Kepler Telescope and a star. He says that there are great light fluctuations in this star, as if something massive is passing in front of the star. If it was a planet, he says that there would be a maximum of a 1% light fluctuation. But in this case the star light has been dropping 22%. Kaku says there is a colossal, humongous object of some kind blocking the star light.

He says that since it was first observed in 2009, they have ruled out everything else, and are left with the speculation of it being an alien mega structure.

See the video, below.

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