Tag Archive | Surgery

Healed by Angels… Part 2

River of Life

AngelicView: The beginnings of Tricia Barker’s NDE (on AngelicView titled, “Healed by Angels – Through Surgeons“) was amazing in itself. However, as many of you noticed, it ended in a cliff-hanger! Here are the last sentences:

As the angels continued to work on me, my physical body shimmered with light and energy.  After a few more moments, the machine signaled that my heart had stopped.  I no longer wanted to look at my physical body since it was technically dead, so I sped through the walls of the hospital, pausing only because I caught sight of my stepdad standing at a vending machine….

Lucky for us, Tricia has decided to share the rest… of the story… (who remembers Paul Harvey’s “The rest… of the story…” newscasts? I used to listen to them every day on the radio in between my college classes and my 2-4 jobs!)

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