Tag Archive | Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E.

Dr. Douglas James Cottrell Akashic Record Reading

AngelicView: I was listening to Coast to Coast last night and this guy was on, Dr. Douglas James Cottrell, and he was described as the “Canadian Edgar Cayce”. This got my attention, of course, because I love Edgar Cayce. Apparently this guy goes into a deep meditative trance very similar to what Edgar Cayce did and brings back information from the Akashic Records.

I cannot post Coast to Coast shows here because every time I did in the past, the channel gets taken down right after I post. I know, right?! So I decided to take notes on what he said so I could pass it all on to you. I hadn’t heard of this guy before, so I Googled his name and came up with many quite positive things said about him. Having said that, though, I think you should probably take what he says with a grain of salt. It really is mostly “doom and gloom” type of stuff and things that many prophets before him have said. I want you to know that even though I find this kind of thing interesting, it’s not something I lay awake at night and worry about.

So remember, these are just my notes and not a word-for-word translation of what he said. Below my notes you will find some additional information from Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. on the Akashic Records.

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Memories From the Future: The Valley of Roses


This was a presentation that took place at the Association for Research and Enlightenment (Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E.) at Virginia Beach for the Virginia Beach friends of the IANDS on September 14, 2013.

The presenter talks about an amazing experience that took place in 1921 involving a visit from someone in the future, from the year 3906 AD. Nassos Komianos summarized the whole story and insights of the Swiss teacher Paul Amadeus Dienach, who slipped into a rare state of consciousness, called narcolepsy, for almost a year. When he recovered he came back with memories of another person (actually his future embodiment), a physicist named Andreas Northam, who lived in the future. The professor of the future had an accident involving an NDE and when he recovers, he has been possessed by the personality of our twentieth century teacher (or actually his own former persona).

He cannot recognize any of his loved ones and speaks a foreign tongue that no one comprehends. Not only that but he suffers from another ailment, he never sleeps. The body of our Swiss teacher is constantly asleep and the body of the man of the future is constantly awake. The physicians of the future examine him thoroughly but cannot explain the phenomenon and they think it is a consequence of his momentary death.

They began re-educating the new persona of their once famous physicist. During this process of re-education, Dienach is taught what took place for those two millennia. What happened in history, and how things evolved, is strikingly shocking and flaringly interesting.

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