Tag Archive | Manifestation

Bentinho Massaro: Becoming a Manifestation Powerhouse

AngelicView: I have come to a point in my life… where I feel as though I understand. I get it. I know at least the basics about life and death. I (feel that I) know why we’re here and what it’s like to get outta here. And for awhile now I’ve felt as though I’m spinning my wheels. Like, I’m not learning anything anymore that’s challenging (that I’m interested in).

My job as a nurse has become frustrating. We nurses become nurses (usually) because we like to take care of people.  The problem with the profession (as I see it) is that we are required to spend more and more time doing menial tasks and sitting at a computer and less and less time actually with our patients. All this with less and less staff (figure that one out). My body is frustrating because it hurts and it won’t do the things I want it to do anymore. Honestly, my worst fear is that I’m going to live to a ripe, old age. Any of you get what I’m saying? I bet you do. And it’s not that I’m depressed or anything like that. I’m just frustrated with life.

If I had a kabillion dollars, I’d buy a large area of land somewhere and would build a community that is for spiritual healing. I think Earth humans, Earth animals, and the Earth herself all needs spiritual healing. We’d live in small cabins and have trails through the woods and fire pits and lots of kitties and dogs running all over the place. I have many of the details all worked out in my head for this Spiritual Healing Place. I might even call it “AngelicView” (lol). But, unfortunately I don’t have a kabillion dollars.

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The Sphere of All Possibilities

AngelicView: Thanks to The 2012 Scenario for distributing this Tom Kenyon and The Hathors piece. 

This is in continuation of learning how to manifest. How do we create our own realities? We are Lightworkers. We work with light (Read: We work with Energy). I found this article to be very helpful in explaining some techniques for creation. I have used some of the facets of these techniques, but not all. 

The Sphere of All Possibilities

A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon

August 2012


In this message we will endeavor to share with you a method for manifesting outcomes in your 3-D reality as well as in other dimensions of your being.

This method is based on a fundamental understanding regarding geometry and the nature of consciousness. There are many geometries available to be used as vehicles for manifestation. We wish to share one of the simplest and, ironically, most effective.

The first thing to understand about manifesting is that for every act there is a counter-action. This is due to the nature of duality until you reach the higher dimensions of consciousness in which duality no longer exists. Since this method is for manifesting new realities in your 3-D life, duality is a factor.

Another important aspect to understand is the admonition to do no harm. This principle is to protect you from negative consequences, and the simplest way to state this is that your creations should do no harm to yourself or to another.

Due to the nature of this material we will be giving the information in three parts.

This first portion deals with the geometry of manifestation.

The second will deal with non-dual states of consciousness and how to commune with these higher realms of your being.

These two parts of the information will be completed by the first of October of this year. This is in preparation for a World Sound Meditation that will take place on Sunday, November 4th during a Hathor Intensive titled The Art of Seeding New Realities.

The third portion of this information involves the union of non-dual states of consciousness with the mastery of creating outcomes in time and space. This unifying body of knowledge will be imparted before December 1st of this year.

You are standing collectively and individually at a cosmic crossroads. The alignment on December 21, 2012 heralds a passage into a new vibratory reality. For the record, we do not believe that the world will end on this date. However, the world, as you have known it, is changing.

The information we are giving here in this message is meant to assist you in manifesting new realities for yourself and for humanity. This method greatly accelerates the manifesting process, and since time, as you perceive it, is speeding up we believe a method that works quickly will be of great benefit.

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