
News: Crossing Over of Two Master Teachers

It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.

~George S. Patton

AngelicView: I just wanted to report (for those who may not have heard yet) of the crossing over of two people over the last two days.

The first one was the day before yesterday and that was Dr. Masaru Emoto. He was the man who did the famous experiments with water and consciousness – and how consciousness affects water.

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Our Spirit Assistants



This is very special!
It’s not what happened during Linda Stewart’s NDE that was so unusual – it’s what happened after it. Here’s the story from after her NDE:

A curious manifestation after my near-death experience was that I began seeing a white glow and glint of lights around people and objects. Because I had had so many physical anomalies during my illness, I assumed the “lights” were another, optical side effect of the illness. I was later shown that the lights were far more than that.

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Does Our Soul Plan Life’s Challenges Before Birth?


AngelicView: Um – yes! Although I have written articles on this subject, I highly recommend this video anyway if you are interested in the subject. Robert Schwartz is the Author of “Your Soul’s Plan”, a very popular book (although I have not yet read this one, I have heard of it over and over). In this interview with Bob Olson, Robert has gone into much more detail that I have in my articles. Among other things, they discuss:

  1. Why do bad accidents happen (like, when someone becomes a paraplegic, for example)?
  2. Were our pets planned?
  3. What about Free Will and the Law of Attraction?
  4. Could I have prevented my loved one’s death?
  5. Why do some people die young?

I have watched the first video all the way through and completely agreed with everything he said, based on my own studies. I have included the second video of another interview with the same man that expands on the first.

Does our Soul Plan our Life’s Challenges Before Birth?

Video Description: In this interview, I talk with Robert Schwartz, author of Your Soul’s Plan, about how our souls plan our challenges in life on purpose. If you’ve ever wondered why bad things happen to good people, Robert Schwartz shares with us his conclusions about that topic based on years of research. This video conversation offers hope and understanding about the challenges we meet in life, and it might even leave you with a sense of inner peace and acceptance in the face of your challenges — or at least help you believe there is meaning to your suffering and that you’re not merely a victim of unlucky circumstances. I’m excited to present this conversation to you, so I hope you won’t miss it.” ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV

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Spirit: Remember Who You Are?

by AngelicView

A Twinkling Star

About two years ago, someone on Facebook told me that he thought I was from Sirius. Another Facebook friend told me that he thought I was Pleiadian.

Well, there’s one star in the sky that twinkles like no other and it has caught my attention for the last year or so. I stare at it and it seems to twinkle in different colors. A few times I even wondered if it was a spaceship!

As I stared at that star for so long now, I started thinking about why it twinkles so, and questioning what it looks like up close, and wondered who might live there.

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Beyond the Veil

AngelicView: Below is a short excerpt from a series of articles that resonated with me. This is something I have tried to explain to people before when they have said to me, “Shannon! There is NO WAY I would have chosen THIS life! Ever!”
And to those people, I know it seems like we wouldn’t have chosen this. But we did. 
I kind of liken it to childbirth. We know the pregnancy is going to be uncomfortable and we know the birth will be painful (to the extreme, for many). And yet we continue to have more children. We decide over and over again to have another baby. (I only had one – I learned the 1st time! lol) And we love that child with all of our hearts and hopefully it’s everything we ever wanted.
That’s kind of like what we go through when we decide to incarnate somewhere. For one thing, we are coming from a place that is blissful and sweet in every single way. You want so bad to make up for mistakes you made in the past (read: Karma) and you know how much it will teach you (read: advance your soul growth). It doesn’t seem like it will take very long (read: not much longer than a blink of an eye) and it doesn’t seem like it will be that difficult (read: nothing seems difficult when you’re in that wonderful state of mind on the other side of the veil).
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Knowing Your Higher Self

Angelicview: I found this article on in5d and I thought it was wonderful! That “Spirit” I speak with – I believe it is none other than my higher self. And people have asked me how I did it or how they can get in touch with their higher-self. I wasn’t really sure how I did it and so didn’t know for sure what to tell them. But I think this article has great advice on how to go about doing it.

7 Secrets to Knowing Your Higher Self

Each of us is connected with the Divine. The Higher Self within us far transcends the understanding of our conscious minds. This is the power that all the great geniuses and teachers of history have accessed. It is also the place of magic and miracle in our lives. Here are the seven key steps to contact it:

1. Belief & Expectation: Transform Your World View!
The first step is to BELIEVE that you have a Higher Self to establish communication with! Then EXPECT every day that this communication will improve as you focus diligently on inner growth. Without these two essential pre-..requisites, it is hard to achieve anything at all in life, even on the physical level. For inner growth, these two qualities are essential. So set a GOAL to achieve contact with the Higher Self, review that goal daily, and maintain your purpose with determination until success is yours.

We are brought up with a primarily materialistic world view that neglects the role of Spirit. To establish close contact with spiritual realms, we need to have our entire being – conscious and subconscious – congruent with our goal. In any major activity/goal, you have to establish the rules of the game and the way it is played. Contacting your Higher Self is the same. Therefore, seek out writings and teachers that expand your understanding of the universe as fundamentally being a realm of Consciousness and Mind.

2. Solitude & Meditation
Higher Self, spiritual, Contacting your Higher Self, meditation, dreamsMake regular time for yourself where you can be totally alone. A quiet place is preferable. Just sit quietly with no expectations. Do NOTHING. This may feel very uncomfortable and strange in the beginning. Persist. You give time and space for the inner voice to make itself heard. It will do so either during that quiet time, or else during the events of the day. A synchronistic event will occur; someone will tell you exactly what you need to hear; you will get a sudden flash of insight. All the great geniuses of history have found times of regular solitude and silence for themselves. You should too.

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